Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three- Trouble

Trouble? I'm never in trouble. So what the hell? "What are you talking about Carson?" I asked threateningly.

He just started laughing like a maniac on the other end.

"God just put Clay on" I hissed pacing back and forth.

"Cassie?" I heard Clay's deep voice.

"What is he talking about?" I asked.

"You haven't watched the TV lately have you?" he sighed clearly not happy with whatever was happening.

"Um no I've been at" I whispered the last part as realization dawned on me.

"No, no, no" I said running to the television and flipping through the channels till I found the one I wanted.

It was a replay of the interview where Tom announced me as his girlfriend.

I screamed, breathing heavily.

"Yeah..." Clay said sighing again.

"What, what is going on?!" Tom yelled running down the stairs in pajama pants, without a shirt. I hushed him with my hand.

"Does dad know?" I whispered pretty much already knowing the answer.

"Yeah we were watching the premiere while he was doing paperwork at the table"

"Shit, shit, shit." I hissed this was not good, defiantly not good.

"He wanted to call you tonight, but I convinced him not to, no doubt he will call you in the morning"

"Thanks I guess" I whispered, I really didn't want to talk to my dad. Already knowing how the conversation would play out.

"How could you? Dating Tom Felton without telling any of us? Especially me." He sounded kind of heart broken. I was much closer to Clay than Carson.

I whined hating hearing his voice that way. "Clay I just kind of...forgot, and we were keeping it a secret."

He sighed again "Whatever Cas, good luck with dad" then the line ended.

Now Clay's mad at me. Dad will be far from happy too.

"Okay now what's going on?" Tom asked crossing his arms over his chest.

I sighed sitting on the couch.

"Did you not see what is on TV right now?" I nearly hissed.

"Yeah so what? And who is Clay?"

I sighed with frustration not really wanting to explain this to him.

"Clay is short for Clayton, my older brother...apparently my dad saw this" I pointed to the screen "and is fuming"

His eyes softened a little. "Oh"

"Yeah so tomorrow I'm going to get a huge lecture"

I couldn't sleep at all that night, anxious and freaking about tomorrow. How much trouble would I be in?

I mean really I am twenty one it's not like he could boss me around. 

Tom slept soundly in the bed I kept pacing in front of. Wearing out the carpet, with my feet. Biting my nails, horrid habit I know. I think I finally passed out at about five. All of the events of the day catching up to me.

But soon after, seven in the morning to be exact, right on the dot did my phone ring waking me.

"Hello?" I asked grouchily.

"Cassandra Mary Dean" My dad hissed venom shooting sharply through his teeth.

"Dad?" I asked shooting up in bed, Tom's arm falling loosely on the bed.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady"

"Dad listen..."

"No you listen...when I first let you date we agreed that I had to agree on the lucky lad, and you dilibretly go behind my back and date an actor?!" he was shouting now. Timber growled being able to hear him.

"What is that?" my dad hissed.

"That's Tom's dog" I said rolling my eyes, and then gasped my hand closing over my mouth.

"You're at his house?!" He bellowed.

Sighing at my stupidity I said "Dad listen, one I'm not a little girl anymore, two I can date who ever I want without your consent, and three I love him!" I said icily, I never talked to my dad like that, ever.

"Cassandra" he hissed.

"Dad" I hissed right back.

"Bring him to the house I want to meet him" he said.

"Dad why do you-" I started but was almost instantly cut off.

"Cassandra I want to meet him"

"He's working right now, he has to fly across the world to's not that easy." I said, hoping to change his mind.

"Fine" he sighed "But I want to meet him before the end of this month" he hissed yet again.

"Okay" I sighed knowing I could never win in this argument.

"Good" he said calming down just a smidge.

"I've got to go" I whispered.

"Goodbye" he said stiffly, the line going dead.

I sighed hearing Tom shuffle next to me.

"What's going on?" he asked groggily.

"How do you feel about meeting my dad?"

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