Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two- Sweet Silence

-Third Person-

Rupert dragged a reluctant Tom through the hospital's entrance up to the nurse's desk.

"Hello how may I help you?" One of the nurses asked, still flipping through paperwork behind the counter.

"We were wondering where Cassie..." Rupert trailed off coming up blank with Cassie's last name.

"Cassandra Dean" Tom mumbled to her.

"Yes where she is?" Rupert finished.

The nurse rolled her chair to the computer and clicked and typed before they got the answer "Room number 214"

"Thank you" Rupert said, and continued to drag Tom towards the elevator.

"Why am I here again?" Tom sighed leaning against the railing. "She is not going to want to see me"

"And how do you know that?" Rupert rolled his eyes. He was getting very annoyed with Tom on this little trip.

Tom just glared at him.

"She is not even awake yet, so calm down" Rupert said as the elevator door clicked open.

Tom sighed, dreading what was about to happen. He automatically recognized two people he did not want to see on any account. And rather sadly, one of them stood up already steam coming out of his red ears.

Rupert continued dragging Tom to the open waiting room.

"What are you doing here" Clayton growled advancing on Tom. He had already heard the whole story courtesy of Emma.

Rupert intervened. "Wow, Hello I'm Rupert you must be Clayton" Rupert stuck out his hand ready to shake Clayton's. He didn't want Clayton to ruin all of his hard work, by making Tom run away.

Clayton, still glaring at Tom, shook Rupert's hand "Hello" he greeted as politely as he could manage.

"Could we talk? The both of you" Rupert nodded to Carson as well.

Clayton sighed and walked to the opposite side of the waiting room, as did Carson.

Tom slouched into a chair, and closed his eyes. He had been in a mental hell lately.

"It's very nice to meet you" Carson immediately said reaching for Rupert's hand.

Rupert smiled "It's nice to meet you too, now I would really appreciate it if you just assumed that Tom doesn't exist" He said more directly in Clayton's direction.

"What if I don't?" Clayton asked standing up straighter and crossing his arms flexing them.

Rupert slouched back a little "Well there isn't that much I could do about it is there? But I know Cassie would be upset."

Clayton relaxed a little knowing Rupert was right, even though Tom deserved a little beating in Clayton's opinion, he wouldn't hurt him.

Rupert sighed "it might not look like it, but this is really hard for him" He nodded towards the tired looking Tom.

Dan was on the phone pacing back and forth in front of Cassie's bed, while Emma was sitting in the chair next to her, reading a book. She was secretly listening into the conversation though.

"How should I know?!" Dan said outraged, and frustrated.

Cassie stirred a little in her bed, being unnoticed by Emma or Dan who were both listening to the response. Or at least Emma was trying to.

"I don't know how the pictures got out Rob!" Dan almost shouted.

"What..." Cassie coughed "What pictures?" Her voice was weak and fragile, almost broken.

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