Chapter Six

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Chapter six- You think you know me?

"Where were you!!?" Taylor yelled at me.

"I was with Tom, Daniel, and Rupert" I replied.

"Well we were worried, you could have told us"

"I did! It's not my fault that you two were too engrossed in your sport to hear me!"

They looked down and said "oh"

"I am going to take a shower"


By the time I got out, they were both asleep on the couch, with another sports game on. I crawled into the covers and fell asleep to the sound of an announcer.

I woke up to a blinding light, squealing, and the mattress going up and down.

"Cassie!!!!" Taylor squealed as I opened my eyes adjusting them to the light.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You didn't tell us that Tom gave you his phone number, and not just a fake one...his REAL phone number!" Danny squealed.

"You guys stole my phone?" I asked beginning to glare at them.

"well it was ringing and you were asleep" Taylor shrugged "so we picked it up" Danny continued "and Tom was calling you" Taylor summed "and long story short we told him about the aquarium plan today and he asked if they could there coming in about twenty minutes" Danny added. I swear the way those two tell a story you would think they were tweedle dee and tweedle dum.

"M'kay whatever" I mumbled as I fell back into the pillows.

I could only hear them in the bathroom now, fiddling around with stuff. I looked at the clock that said 10:30. I could sleep for another ten minutes.

Apparently ten minutes turned into fifteen.

"Cassandra Dean get up out of bed, they will be here any minute!" and Taylor ripped the sheets from me which caused me to bounce out of the bed and fall on the floor.

"I'm up!" I said rubbing the new bump on my head.

I looked over to the two girls crowded around the mirror on the other side of the room applying make up to their face.

I went into the bathroom rubbing my eyes and looking at myself in the mirror. I was in a tank top and Soffee shorts. With my hair still in curls.

I was finishing brushing my teeth when there was a knock on the door.

"Cas could you get that?" Danny called from the mirror.

"Sure" I said still grumpy.

I walked to the door and opened it. The guys had their jaws dropped. "You know if that's what all the girls wear to an aquarium, we should go more often" Daniel said winking at me. I rolled my eyes. 

"Well good morning to you to" I said rolling my eyes. And let them in.

They walked in as Rupert said. "You girls almost ready? I'm starving" Tom and Daniel laughed. 

I went back into the bathroom and put on my sun dress that was black and white, with the barrette that matched, and some flip flops.

As I walked into the other room, I grabbed a hand full of candy and my cell phone. The girls were still putting on makeup and the guys were looking bored.

"Danny Taylor, enough make up! Geeze you'd think you were about to perform as zombies or something" I said annoyed as I flipped onto the bed with my feet dangling.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now