Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six- A Proper Name

Something, very irritating, was poking my side. "Cas, Cas, CAS!"

I flew off the couch, tumbling to the floor. "I was not asleep, I was not asleep!" I stopped when I saw Tom's head cocked to the side upside down. I sat up rubbing my head, blinking my eyes.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Peachy" I said through my teeth.

"Then get ready! I'm taking you out to eat in my new" he cleared his throat and then sang "car" Smiling at me swinging the keys in front of my face.

I got up and stretched having my bones crack. Tom winced. "Okay let's go"

"Okay come on!" He took my hand literally bouncing all the way to the garage.

I laughed "I love you"

"I love you too now get in"

I laughed but opened the door and climbed in. The keys were already in the ignition, I laughed at his excitement and breathed in deeply, inhaling the new car sent.

"Are you going to name it?" I asked.

"Name it?"

"Yeah, you don't do that?" I asked confused.

"Uh, no" he snorted "why do you?"

"Yeah" I said in a 'duh' tone "Her name is Blue Bell"

"Blue Bell?" he questioned.

"Mhmm" I nodded.

"What kind of a freak would" I glared at him cutting him off "would look as pretty as you" he covered up pinching my cheek, I kept glaring.

"If I name the car will you stop glaring?" he sighed.

"Maybe" I smiled.

"Fine" He rolled his eyes "What about the Tom mobile?" he said dramatically smiling as if he was in deep thought.

"Really, the 'Tom mobile' very original" I shook my head disapprovingly.

"Mood swings, mood swings" he tisked at me, then he sighed "We not liking the Tom mobile"

"Not unless you're secretly gay" I laughed.

"Ha ha you're very funny, you should be a comedian" He shot back.

"Nope I try to stay away from starlight fame spot light"

"Then why are you dating the hot amazing Tom Felton?" He asked smirking.

"Oh my boyfriend is not hot or amazing" I smiled looking out the window, then looking back to see him pouting.

"Your not being very nice today, little crabby"

I shrugged indifferently.

"Okay back to the car" He said thinking while parking. His eyes suddenly lit up "you are now sitting in Demon"

"Demon?" I questioned. Why do guys have to name stuff with names like fire bolt, Demon, Lighting or more like Grease lighting. I laughed at the thought.

"It's nothing to laugh about Cas" Tom said getting out of the car.

I followed him. "It's just- oh never mind"

We spent dinner arguing over proper names to give cars. He thought Blue Bell was ridiculous. And I thought Demon was so predictable, and then he would say 'Oh predictable huh? Not like Blue Bell isn't predictable, we get it your car is blue!'

The ride home was silent. Just the hum of the engine and our breathing, that is until I yawned.

"How can you be tired?" He laughed.

I laughed and shrugged "I just am" I sighed "look if you want to name your car Demon...I have no reason to tease you or judge you"

He nodded, turning the car off and turning to me "And if you want your car to be named after ice cream, I have no objections" he smiled.

"Good, now give me a piggy back ride"

He rolled his eyes and walked around the car "You're so bossy today"

"Well sorry" I said leaping on to his back.

He started walking to the back door "it's nothing to be sorry about" he opened the door "I actually find it somewhat sexy" I could hear the smirk on his face, and then I heard another sound...a throat being cleared.

We looked up to see Dan, Emma, and Rupert in the kitchen paused looking at us shocked, well not Rupert really but you should have seen the eyes on Emma when she asked "You what?"

Tom put me down and said "I what nothing"

"You what nothing? Yeah that makes since" Dan rolled his eyes, still appalled.

"Yeah and didn't you two look cozy" Emma asked suspiciously.

Rupert rolled his eyes "Are you really that lazy Cassie, you have to get Tom to carry you?"

"Yeah and your heavy too" Tom looked at me and winked playing along, pretending his back was hurt.

I looked shocked "I am lazy and he offered, and I'm not fat!"

"Wait I didn't offer?" Tom said and I stomped on his foot. "Ow yeah- yeah I offered"

"Now that that's over" Dan rolled his eyes and threw an envelope at Tom "this came for you, well us today"

I grabbed a water bottle and stood next to Emma as he opened it.

"Wonder what it is" Rupert acted as if he were playing dumb, Tom laughed though, but I didn't get it.

"What is it?" I asked

Tom looked at me almost sad and sighed "oh...its Interview schedules"

"Oh" I breathed "When do you guys leave?" I asked wanting to get all the information before I panicked.

"Friday" Dan said indifferently, as if it didn't matter.

I nodded my head "I'm going to bed" I said walking to the stairs.

"Cassie!" I heard Tom yell, but I didn't want to hear it. Once I was out of there sight I ran up the stairs and into my room.

This was so stupid! I shouldn't be crying over something I knew was going to happen. I shouldn't be crying, so what I'm alone for a month at the most? That's not that bad right? I can get through it. I can't make Tom feel guilty about this. Then I suddenly had a flashback to the Aquarium...


"Girls hate that I'm gone all the time, they get too clingee or just use me"

"Well that's stupid your funny, smart, sweet" he smirked and I added "most of the time, and hot" he smirked again and I rolled my eyes "and if a girl really loved you. It wouldn't matter how long you were gone...just knowing that you care for her would be enough for her, nothing else would matter"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah...or at least that is what I would do" I smiled.

-End Flashback-

Ugh why did I have to remember that? I'm just going to have to be strong. I knew this would happen if I was with Tom, although I'll never admit how I wish he would just stay here with me for forever. Damn I fell way too hard for him.

I climbed into bed and turned off my light.

I tossed and turned all night though, I couldn't get the image of me being alone for forever out of my mind, why did I have to get so clingee to them? I mean physically I wasn't, but emotionally I was, more than I had thought. That's not exactly healthy right?

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