Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter forty Two- September

"Stop biting your nails" Tom sighed bringing my hand away from my mouth.

We were on the front porch of his house, about to knock on the door. And like any normal sane person would act in a situation like this I was nervous. What if they didn't like me? I mean sure James would be there, and that in its self is sort of a comfort, but there are still four people I have yet to meet, and still need to impress.

"Can't I just wait in the car?" I smiled sweetly up at him.

He scoffed "No" I sighed "If I can deal with your gun shooting father, you can deal with my family I promise, James is the worse too, if that helps at all"

I laughed "it does a little bit"

"Were just going to be here for a couple of hours" He kissed the top of my head "They are going to love you, so stop fidgeting

"Ok" I breathed. And the door opened, without either of us knocking.

There stood a women, with a cherish smile on her face and dirty blonde hair that rested on her shoulders, she had the same smile as Tom, which I quickly recognized. "I thought I was hearing noises" she spoke

"Hi mum" Tom said giving his mum a quick hug, as they broke apart Tom smiled brightly and gestured towards me. "Mum I would like you to meet Cassie"

His mum looked like she was about to cry as she pulled me into a hug. "Oh I have been waiting to meet you for so long, and you're so pretty" she said once she released me. I just sort of stood there, shocked that she was so open, maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Thank you Mrs. Felton" I smiled

She rolled her eyes "Oh please, call me Julia"

"Okay" I said still a little shakily.

"Come in come in" She ushered us into the foyer. It was a very nicely sized house, furnished with antiques all about.

"James and Chris are in the kitchen, your father will be home soon" She said closing the door behind us.

"What about Walt?" Tom asked curiously.

"He couldn't make it, you know how busy he is these days" She sighed.

"Yeah almost as busy as me" Tom said

I couldn't exactly tell if Tom was heartbroken that his eldest brother wasn't coming, or if it didn't matter to him at all, he just dragged me into the kitchen, his mother following behind us.

James was leaning on the counter, with who I can only assume as Chris. It is funny how Tom and Chris look so much alike, their features especially, of course Chris looked a little older than Tom, because well he was.

"Tom" He said standing up straighter.

They embraced in one of those weird guy hugs.

"Chris this is Cassie" Tom said once they pulled apart.

"Hi" I spoke smiling a little.

"Hello" he said kindly.

James elbowed him in the ribs "Told you she was pretty"

I blushed.

"Yes very pretty" Chris agreed.

Tom coughed at them.

"Why don't you boys go and play outside?" Julia said ushering them out of the kitchen and out the backdoor.

"Mum we are not little kids anymore" James whined half way out the door.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now