Chapter Forty

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[AUTHOR'S NOTE!]- I have by far gotten many messages in the past saying that this is one of the funniest things that they have ever read, so warning for that and also WARNING there are MANY GAY references in this chapter. It isn't meant to offend anyone. Keep in mind this was made over a decade ago. Also the chapter is a hot mess so, yeah. 

Chapter Forty- It All Makes Sense Now

Dan burst through the door, tears flooding his face, searching for something.

Emma and I looked at each other suspiciously, and stood up to see what the matter with Dan was.

Once we stepped cautiously into the foyer Dan practically collapsed on me sobbing.

Emma helped me move towards the stairs so that I could sit down, and not be crushed by Dan's weight. He continued sobbing crying out "He doesn't love me anymore!!!"

Emma looked at me a little freaked out and asked "He?"

I just shrugged, but then in the doorway Robert wearily walked in clearly drunk not noticing us at all. Tom was next to him and said flirtasously "Tickle Tickle" and holds his hands up ready to sneak up on Rob.

"What the hell?" Both Emma and I say at the same time.

"It is not what it looks like" Tom said swearving slightly on his feet, being caught.

"It's everything it looks like!!!" Dan shouted, almost causing my ear to explode.


[Dan's View]

It was eleven thirty and we were all sitting at the bar. I was on my fourth beer, they were on their second.

The hunky gorgeous one was talking about how attractive Cassie was. When I'm sitting right here! I mean her hair isn't even that shiny, with all those curls she can never manage to brush it properly. And those lips will never be as puckered as mine, just sitting there waiting, ready for a little taste of the R if you know what I mean.

And please blondes can never sustain a decent tan. I mean take Tom for instance, he is so pale and my man the Robber of my heart is staring at him instead of me.

And Cassie never picks out the right clothes for her figure and she does not know how to color coordinate...


[Cassie's View]

"Okay I don't want to just sit here and listen to this if all your going to do is insult me!" I said clearly offended, I could sustain a tan... if I really wanted to.

"Do you want to know where your man's lips have been this evening?" Dan said slurring just a little.

"WHAT?!" I shouted outraged. Tom wouldn't do that.

"Exactly" Dan said pointing a figure at Emma and me.


[Dan's View]

So Rob was getting bored and we cannot have that. So he came up with a shot drinking game to see who was the manliest. My money was on Robby, I mean he is the sexiest man alive.

Four shots in and Rob hadn't broken a sweat. Ten shots in and Tom was looking a little dizzy on his feet, but that could have been just because he was staring at my man.


[Cassie's View]

"I don't like where this is going" I whined.

"SHHH! I'M IN MY MOMENT!!!!" Dan shouted.

"This explains so much" Em said half to herself.

"I know the whole 'Cassiebear' thing! I bet you wish it was Robbybear!" I said laughing.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now