Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven- Fire

It was easy to go back to sleep after he left, and when I woke up I wasn't alone. Timber had found his way to my bed and almost pushed me off. I just laughed at this though, he was so cute.

I picked up my phone and saw two missed calls and a 3 text messages. All of the calls had been from Taylor, and the text messages read:


Good luc with Timber :)


U nvr call me anymore :(


Answer my calls!

I looked at the small alarm clock on my night stand; it read 2 in the afternoon. I didn't even care, I was still tired, but I would feel bad if I didn't reply to them.

I text Emma first:


Then Daniel:

Sorry:( been busy call you soon:)

Then I called Taylor.

It barley even rang once until she picked up and yelled. "DO YOU NOT ANSWER PHONE CALLS ANYMORE???"

I pulled the phone away from my ear, trying to keep them from ringing.

"Geeze Tay I just got up, stop yelling!" I said, and Timber's head popped up. Really I don't know how he didn't wake up when Taylor screamed.

"Oh well sorry, but its two in the afternoon! Why are you still in bed?"

"Long story why did you call me?"I replied.

"I wanted to hang out"

"Oh My God did you seriously want to hang out with me that much?" I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see.

"Yeah now want to hang?"

"Uh yeah but I have to take Timber for a walk, so you wanna come with us?" I asked.

"Yeah but wait why do you have Tom's dog?" she asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you when you get over here"

"Okay love ya"

"Yeah love you too" I mumbled.

I went ahead and changed into sweats, and put a leash on Timber, when I heard a knock on the door saying that Taylor was here.

"Come in Tay!" I yelled and within a few minutes she was leaning against my door.

"What are you going to do if they ever see your room?" she laughed.

"I would probably blush and fight them" I smirked. You might ask why she would say that, right? Well my room, as I have said before is Harry Potter mania. Literally.

She just laughed and asked "Okay so why do you have Timber?"

"Well Tom came over this morning" I began but got cut off by her going 'ooooooooo'

Which made me blush. "Not like that Tay"

"You know you like him Cas. There is no since in denying it" she said while plopping down on my bed as I got on my shoes.

"Taylor Tom is JUST my friend, I don't think of him that way" I said.

She just gave me a look that says 'don't lie to me'

"Okay maybe I have thought of him that way, but it would be impossible not to. He is Tom Felton, a hot, famous, British, actor. Who wouldn't think of him that way?!" I sighed "point is we are just friends"

"For now" she answered a grin threatening to creep up her face.

I sighed. Again. "Taylor don't start acting this way" I plead.

"Acting what way?"

"You try and medal with everything that could end up as a relationship in your perspective, but it just goes horribly wrong! So just stop. Don't even think about it."

"I do not" she defended.

"Really you've done that with Danny and Austin, Robert and Kaylie, Karen and Drake...shall I go on?"

"Kay fine I get your point can we go now, and can you finish telling me why you have Tom's dog?"

"Yes" I said as we head out my door and down to the parking lot.

I had told her the whole story about Tom coming and waking me up and all that. Then we talked about her and Josh's relationship. So we had walked around the entire park three times and decided to head back to my apartment complex.

But when we got there lights were flashing all around it. It was horrible the police were here along with paramedics and firemen, and oh don't forget the smoke covering the building!

I stood there in total shock. Then snapped out of it and asked the nearest policemen "What happened?"

He turned around looked me up and down and asked "Do you live here?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Well the building burned down on the east side" oh thank god I lived on the west side! "But everyone has to move until repairs can be made, you may collect your things in what seems to be about an hour"

"Great" I sighed sarcastically as he walked off.

I walked back over to where Taylor was standing trying to get Timber to calm down.

"So what happened Cas?" she asked me with a concerned look on her face.

"The east side burned down and I have to get my things out in an hour and practically move for the time being."

"Oh Cassie I'm sorry" she said hugging me. It was a little weird because she still had Timber's leash in her hands. "You can come live with me and Danny!" she said very excited.

"Thanks but I think I am just going to get a hotel, hopefully the reconstruction won't take that long."

"Okay whatever you want"

Taylor stayed with me for awhile, but had to leave because she had a date with Josh. So I was leaning against a light post with Timber lying down on the pavement waiting for the sign that we could go in. I considered the fact that I would look ridiculous just standing here, but I wasn't the only one. There were many people, my neighbors, standing around as well. That's when my phone rang. I looked at the collar i.d. and picked it up.

"Hey Tom" I sighed into the phone.

"Hey kid, whats wrong?" I heard back.

"Well my apartment complex just burned down and it's just really hectic and shit."

"Wow you must be pissed to be cussing" he laughed.

"It's not funny Tom"

"Oh I know it's not, Timber's fine isn't he?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah we were out for a walk when it happened"

"Oh well that's good" he sighed "So do you have any place to stay?"

"Well I think I am just going to get a hotel room"

"No!" he said rather fast "Don't live in a hotel room, it sucks! Why don't you live at my house?"

"Your house?" I questioned.

"Yeah just move in for awhile, Dan and I are not even there! It's Timbers real home, and it's huge"

"I don't know Tom..."

"Come on you're watching my dog, you might as well watch my house too"

I laughed "Fine"

"Great there's a Key in the flower pot by the front door, you can have the room that's across from mine and make yourself at home"


"Kay have fun" he laughed "I got to go there about to shoot a scene talk to you later Babe" he said and hung up.

Did he just call me Babe?

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