Chapter Three~ Grave's and Problems

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Eve's P.O.V

I shook off the memory. I don't need that in my head today.I made my way to Carly's door and woke her up.I went back downstairs and waited. An hour flew by and Carly is down stairs in pink and white fade away shorts amd a shirt that says ' Wait What?' Hehe, we got weird shirts.

" Eve, do you want to grab a bite on the way?" I nodded

" Yup, we can just go to the starbucks thats near the flower shop. What all color flowers are we getting?"

Carly looked like she was thinking, " Purple , Yellow, Blue, White." I nodded and grabbed my purse and keys.I walked out the house and waited for Carly and I lock the house door. I walked to the car with Carly on m heels. We jumped in and drove off.

I parked the car and we walked to starbucks. Once we got our drinks we sat down. Carly was playing with her straw twirling it in her drink then she looked up.

"Why are grave's creepy, I mean cemertary's are creepy I get that but when we go to Mark's and Amber's GraveSite , it's spooky."

" You think I know? Haha, Nope , I dont kno why their creepy maybe ghosts walk around and you have a sixth sense to feel them." I laughed and she turned serious so I stoppes," Saying I have a sixth sense I must tell you today It feels uneasy."

I looked at her " Just push it off" I shruged. Ok she's creepy.

Once we were down and had the flowers we drove to the park near the medow and got out. Carly and I ,looked at each other. We walked through the park gates but Once I reached the middle Carly sat down and when I walked to her I stopped. All at once these memories came back. Louis beating us and calling us names, All the memories with Mark and Amber, Everything hit me. I smiled and shook my head. I put a hand out for Carly and she took it. My phone went off and its my brother, Jake.

Jake- Im textinhg you everyday just to make sure your ok.

Carly read it and rolled her eyes. I let go off her hand. We were half way to the grave and were at the swings. I sat and she sat for a second. She held the flowers in one hand.

Me- I am ok stop worrying and if u think its best..... if I dont text you back then try carly and everyone. after two days worry then. But i doubt that will happen luv you!

Jake- Whatever and fine text me at 2 if not Im calling and text and doing same to carly.

Me- Whatever loser.

I finished texting him to see its noon. I grabbed Carly and got to Mark and Amber's grave. We sat there slowly putting flowers down and Carly said something gthat made think.

She said " Hey Eve, Mark and Amber have been dead for almost a month, Why are these flowers still living when no one waters them or anything." This scared me ao I deicded to ease the tension of this. "because they looooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeee us" I said with a smile.

We kept that smile for a good 20 minutes just staring at their grave. That smile was true on both our faces. That is untill Everything went black and a hand covered my mouth. Cheerleading time. I managed to turn around and with everything I had I Did a kick going striaght up tp his or her jaw.

Laern how to tie blindfolds. I looked around when someone in black came charging at me. I did a back flip then a side one that was like a cartwheel with no hands baically. Some low british accent said " Damn thats hot." The other had Carly and I sure as hell ain't losing her to. I punch the guy in his temple and he stumbled back and fell. I had Carly lose and when we were about to run people grabbed us and put hands on our mouths.I , of course being me, Bit it.

" Owwww she bit me!" "Ni shut up" One is now known as Ni. They ducktaped out feet and hands together and rit before they put tape on our mouth, they put something in our mouths and then put tape on our mouth and blindfolds on us.

Soon it was all black but the voice that made me scared of everything, the voice that called me names, said " I'm so Sorry." Then it was all gone.

It's true.....My bully Louis Tomlinson kidnapped me and doesn't even KNOW it's me.


Hey guys! This was edited. Just to let you know, I'm just changing mis-spelled words. I would change most of the chapter but this is my first book so, not now.

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