It's Been Awhile

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Hey guys. Please stick around and read this entire thing, It would mean the world.

It's been a while.

So, there is one main reason why I am uploading this and I do hope you read it. Yesterday, was this book's anniversary.

August 24th, 2013. I uploaded this book two years ago. This book has gotten so far. I was writing up another chapter for this book's sequel because I'm dumb and barely update that book. I started thinking of this book and went to check on it.

This book currently has 95.7 thousand reads. This book has almost 100 thousand reads! I actually screamed when I saw that and I got yelled at. I'm sitting here crying while typing this.

I don't even know how to say thankful. This book was utter crap. At the time, I was writing on my phone and I was starting 7th grade.

Now, I'm writing my stories on a proper laptop and I'm about to be going into high school, this Friday actually.

It's so crazy to realize how far I've gotten and it's all thanks to you guys. I really wish I had a way to thank you guys, you guys are my saviors. I can't get it through my skull that I've got so many reads.

I was going to edit this, fix it, make it better. I was even thinking about deleting this because I wanted to a fresh start and a nice profile but, I realized something. This book has made me such a better writer and I have gotten such amazing readers. I do not know how to actually comprehend this. This book should not have this many reads, votes, or comments. But like I said, I have amazing readers that I love with my entire heart.

Although the books anniversary was yesterday, I still think I should be telling you guys how much i love you and how much I enjoy being able to say your my readers.

If you guys want to celebrate in any way, tell me! I don't care what it is! As long as it's safe, I'll try to see if I can do it. We could do like, a Q&A or anything you want. It's 100% up to you guys!

Thank you so much for giving me what I have, I just can't believe it. I love you all so much.

Happy Two years :-)

Don't forget the sequel of this book is up and it is still called Rocky Roads!

Just click on my profile and you'll find it! I promise it is way better written than this book ever was.

If you could please go follow me :-) I would really appreciate it! I also have another book up called "Highway To Nowhere" and I'd be happy if you could go check it out and stuff :-)

For one last time on this book, please don't forget to vote, comment, or share!

Lots of love,


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