Chapter Thrity Eight ~ How Did You Know?!

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Eve's P.O.V

As we drove to this sercert place, I couldn't stop wondering.

Why would I need a blindfold?

Who knows.

Louis kept rubbing my hand and soon, I felt the car come to a halt and I heard a click of a seatbelt.

" We can go now." Louis whispered in my ear. I heard a car door slam shut. I thought he was leaving me untill I could feel my door open and my hand being grabbed

"Louis, this isn't the best idea. I'm quite clumsy." I said as my feet plant the ground.

"Follow my lead." He said. His arm slid around my waist and soon we started walking.

It didn't even feel like more than 10 steps and I heard a door open. Once we walked in, a slight cold air grazed my skin. I heard that door close behind me and after that, another opened.

When we walked through this one, a cold air blasted me.

It's June in Pittsburgh, Why is it cold?

I thought to myself.

I heard Louis start to talk to someone and he grabbed my waist again. He lead us through another door. A really cold air blew me away this time but, soon I got use to it.

Where are we? I'm never use to cold air.

We walked up some steps. Soon, we sat on a cold bench. I heard a clank of something near us and I held onto Louis.

"Babe, it's okay. I was just setting something down." He says.

"Okay." I say slightly losening my grip.

"Okay, count to 20...." He said and I felt him slip off my shoes." When ever I say now." He added. He put on some very discomftable shoes on me yet, I couldn't describe them.

"Now!" I heard him, his voice slowly becoming distant.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." I slowly say, trying to think of where we were.

"11,12,13,14,15." I add to my list of numbers.

Cold. Un comftable shoes.

"16,17,18,19" I ever-so slowly say. If I'm being honest, I'm slightly scared of what I'll see.

"20." I say. I open my eyes to the Best Thing.

" LOUIS OH MY GOD!" My voice echo off the walls of my favorite place in Pittsburgh.

Ice Castle.

It's just a place with a big skating rink. It has everything to keep you busy. It also has a few other things.

Right now, Louis is standing in the middle of the rink with the lights flashing around him.

My playlist songs start to play and I look down at my feet. Skates were laced to my once flat-covered feet.

I try to run as fast as I can in these shoes to the rink. I finally get on the ice. I skate way over to Louis as he stares in amazment.

"How'd You?" He asked.

"I'm a good skater." I explained then kissed him and smiled.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I say.

"You love it. I know." He says, cockily.

"Stuck-up much?" I say, staring into his beautiful eyes.

"Never." He says, a smile playing at the tips of his lips.

"Thank you." I say.

" Your welcome. Now, let's skate." He says, pumping his fist like a little kid.

We start to skate and skate around the rink. This was a amazing date.

We skate. We ate. We played in a Arcade. We just had a good time.

If only he'd learn how to skate!



That is all.


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