Chapter Tweny Five ~ Awkward Turtle!

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Eve's P.O.V

" Who Don't like Simon?" A male voice asked behinde. The look on the boys faces showed they wanted to burst out laughing. I slowly turned on my heel to see....

Simon. The Simon I said I don't like.

"Well........ I feel like a blonde now." I stated. I was blushing madly. I felt dumb that he heard my sarcasm. Everyone - Even Simon and other people - laughed so loud and so hard that tears came out.

"Not Funny." I said, pouting. I crossed my arms staring at all of them.

"Oh.....Yes it is, Hun." Some lady next to Simon said.

" Do I know you to call me ' Hun ' ?" I asked.

"I'm the boys manament. I can tell you now that if you talk to me like that again, you'll regret it and you can go." She said.

"Not good on your side. What do we say if we just magically jump up from the ' Kidnapped World ?" I asked, quite sassy. I smirked.

"Then your Eve. The blonde barbie." She smirked at me.

"Says that blonde thats clinging onto Simon as if your life depended on it." I said.

" Shut Up!" Simon said, before that lady could say anything.

"Now....." He started.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked, then laughed. Everything.....I mean everything fell awkward. No one wanted to mess around. Me and Carly just wanted to know how were going to live untill Plan A can be put in action again.

" AWKWARD TURTLE!!" Me and Louis screamed at the same time, at the top of lungs might I add.

"Awesome!" We said, and turned to face each other. We shared a high-five before turning serious.

"So....." Harry asked, his arm around Carly's waist.

" So...." Everyone said at the same time. It was deadly quiet,

" We need to find a way to work this out. Boys, you are in deep shit." Simon said, his voice lowering. The boys took 1 huge step back,Along with Carly. While I took one huge step forward.

"Don't let them be in trouble." I stated, un-sure of what I'm doing.

"Why shouldn't we?" That Lady asked.

"Whats your name?" I asked, before I explained.

" Juli." Okay then.

"Because. No matter how messed up this sounds. No matter how much they took away from us after we just made it to the top, I truely think. Being Kidnapped By One Direction was the best thing that ever happened to me. Us." I said, sounding all smart.

" Being Kidnapped By One Direction? Best thing?" Simon asked, raising a eyebrow.

"Well....After a while it did. At first, I wanted to chop all their heads off. They took us from friends. They took us from Family. They took us from freedom. The thing is? If they never did...... I would of never found new boy bestfriends like the lads that stand in front of me.Yes, I would love to go back to my family, but if it wasn't for the boys and how they make the best out of the worst....I don't think I would of wanted to be here." I said, everyone's jaw dropped.

What I speak, Is the truth. The boys did know how to make the best out of the worst, They knew how to make us smile. They knew what we wanted and they gave something close to it. Sure, I want to leave. I don't want to be an animal, locked up. I don't want to do this. I know one thing when we do leave..... We would leave them. We just wouldn't be stuck with them.



"Ya really feel like that?"

"We Love you to."

" That's *Fake sniffle * Sweet."

All these setences tossed around the room.

" Eve, you gave a wonderful reason and were still trying to find a soultion of whats all going on but, for now...the boys won't be in trouble." Simon stated, smiling.

"I'm glad they kidnapped you." Simon said. So am I. I thought as I smiled at the boys, when me and Louis' eyes connected my smile grew.

"Lets eat?" I said.


Hey! its courtney! I'm so sad..... I can't go to my friend sleepover. Hehe, anyways! Hi......


Guess What?!

I'm working on a new book!

How Kiall Came To Be ( A Naill Fanfic )

I will give an expert of it when I get chapter one or two done. I won't publish it untill I have 20 or 15 chapters drafted. That way, I can keep up better with updating.

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now