Chapter Thrity One ~ Date night, part two

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Eve's P.O.V

Now, if you have ever been to Pittsburgh you would know it's pretty cool out during the day time. Nothing much, it looks like a normal city. I mean, there are the hills of hills everywhere. You have a big downtown. It's....normal and pretty during the day.

Yet, nothing can describe Pittsburgh at the night time. All of it's bridges are lit up. Buildings in downtown light the river. You have lights everywhere on. There are no words to desribe it.

If I was made to describe it, one word came to mind.


Now, what I said before was beautiful on land. If you get a boat and go on the river, it's....... Amazing. Beautiful.


That, isn't something you get much in Pittsburgh.

A/n: I'll post a picture of it soon.)

Why am I telling you this?

Because. Louis took to me to the docks. At first, I didn't think of anything. Then, he covered my eyes and lead me on something.

" Don't worry." He whispered againist my ear. His lips skim it lightly, causing me to blush for some reason.

Soon enough, that thing we were on stayed swaying. I knew it was a boat. Soon, the boat stopped moving and Louis hands slipped from my eyes.

" Surprise." He said, smiling.

I gasped. The boat was right in the middle of the river. Everything seemed at a stand still. You heard a car passing by downtown and the music from Station Square but, it just seemed to..... stop. I twisted a little. All the bridges that went down and up the river brightly lit up. The lights shown off the river that reflected.

"Oh my god." I mumbled under my breathe.

" I know you were never on a boat at night, always during the day here. I thought you'd like it." Louis said, smiling nervously.

"It's perfect." I squealed. I ran and jumped into his arms. I love it!

"I know." He sais againist my hair.

" Follow me." He said. The boat had two levels. Well, the deck and flaten roof. He led me on the roof. The rood had lights hung around it. Two chairs set with some of my favorite sweets and a bottel of wine in a ice bucket.

"Louis." I breathed out. How the chairs were set up, it gave us a breathe taking veiw.

"Sit down?" Louis asked in a question.

"Okay." I did as he asked and he sat right next to me.

The song by stevie wonders, ' Isn't she lovely', started to play and Louis lifted me and sat me off his lap.

"Yes?" I asked, giggling.

" Listen. I know, I have been a complete bitch to you. When we were young. When we were drunk on your first week back. When we yelled. Everything. Yet, you told Simon Cowell that the best thing that happened to you was being kidnapped by us. You were very stubbron at first. Wanting to go home. Trying to find every way you could even if we left you with limited options. Soon though, you became more relaxed and became..... one of us, you could say. I love it every bit." He stopped then started.

" Yet, just because you knew how to play a good prank or how to out-sass someone, that wasn't the only reason I fell for you. I fell for the blond hair that flowed down your shoulders. The blue green eyes that change colors. Your laugh and smile. How you never lose. How you always have hope for the worst problems. How you see the good in bad. How you blush at dity jokes even though you have a pretty damn dirty mind." He stopped and laughed.

" I fell hard for you. I fell hard and fast. I fell in love with you.So, even as the list goes on. I would like to know now. Eve, will you be my girlfriend?"

So, there he sat. with s much hope in his little puppy eyes. I sat there wondering.

How do you out speech perfection......


Well, what do you think? I got bored..... I always wanted to go on a boat in pittsburgh but never could. I give of a picture of there soon.

Now, the question is..... will she out-speech a no or yes answer,....

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now