Chapter Four ~ Surprise Surprise!

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Louis' P.O.V

Well...... It's done. Now were all sitting in the car, most injuried from the kicks punches and all that other stuff the blonde tried pulling. We decided that we'll take them back to our house, once they wake up we'll sign things and all that, then let them leave.

" I'MMM HUNNNGARRRYYY. NAILLLL NEED FOOD" Naill said swinging his back and forth on the head seat. This made everyone brust out laughing. We got glares from Liam and we pulled up to the house. Once were all out Liam, once again, hit us with a wave of questions.

"Do you remember you let them go? Do you remember you just sign things and forget them? Don't- " He was stopped with a hit by the back of the head. Hehe, yeh. I grabbed the blonde and Harry grabbed the brunette. For some reason they both looked awfully familiar. When we were about to carry them back to the car I got a glimsp of what those grave things said.

Mark Hollister~ A loving brother, amazing bestfriend, Class clown, Laid back, athlectic, and much much more died June 3rd and lived for 19 years.

Amber Parker~ A loving sister, amazing friend, bestfriend, and class mae. Along with athlectic, smart,beautiful,and many more. Died June 3rd and lived for 19 years.

( A/n : Sorry, I never had a reason to visit a grave, so I just put what I want ingraved on my friends. Sorry again.)

Amber....AmbEr.....AMBer... That names sounds awfully familiar. I shrugged it off as best as I could as we put the girls on the bed. We walked down the stairs and found everyone doing their own thing in the kitchen. Naill, has his head stuck in the fridge. Zayn, has his phone in his face. Liam, reading the newspaper.Old Fart. Moving on.....

" Guys, when do you~~~" I was stopped by a scream, a loud thump, a " Eve why the fuck...." and a second scream. We all looked at each other. We didn't worry much, everything was locked.


That name kept running in my head. Eve. Amber. Mark. God damn why are these names so familiar. I was pulled from the thoughts from more sounds.


"Eve shut the fuck up"

What's the other girls name.Gr.


Carly. Eve.Amber.Mark.Carly.Eve.Am--. No way. Nu uh not them girls. No. Fucking. Way.

I bolted up the stairs with the lads following. I ran to the door with the girls in it and slowly and quietly opened it. We all saw the girls. The blonde ~ Eve ~ had the back of her hands and knuckles pressed sharply up againist the wall with her head in her palms and she had her eyes closed. The brunette ~ Carly ~ Was sitting her head in her knees. Both girls crying.

" What.The.Fuck!" Their heads shot up at the first words. The lads gave me weird looks and Eve slowly backed away. So much fear in her eyes. I slowly started towards her. She backed up and hit he wall. I was about to take two big steps towards her but, Carly jumped up before I could, Kneed me in the balls and punched me. I fell, rolling in pain. Seriously, were all stilled hurt, besides Liam who didn't do anything in this, from what they did ealier.Well what Eve did.

" Ay"



They had Carly laid on the bed. Everyone had one hand and one foot. Eve, Well Eve She never lost eye contact with me unless I pulled away. I looked back and she had. Fear in her eyes.

" L-Louis."

Well Fuck.

Eve's P.O.V

"L-Louis?" No Eve! No Stuttering. No Fear.

No Fear? Haha, Sorry hun but your as scared as it gets. My head added on.

Shut up -_-.

" EVE?!"

Carly finally realized what was going on. You know, We love One Direction despite the fact of Louis but this, this made me hate them. Each and every one of them.

" Carly?!" If them boys give one more confused look.Finally, Louis A.k.a Ass, Explained it to them.

Er. Well you see..... I may.....or may have not...messed with these girls growing up?" All the boys jaws dropped then composed them self.Then Louis' dropped.

"Carly?," He looked at Carly," Eve?" He looked at me.

I decided to play bitch. If their was one thing Amber told me to do, it was be a bitch.

" Surprise Surprise." I smirked.


Hey guys. School great. Very fun. Hehe, note the sarcasm please. Anyways its only the begginning so not much to do. I have been reading so yea.

( Edited chapter.

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