Chapter Tweny Two ~ I HATE YOU!

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Eve's P.O.V

After 10 minutes, we went downstairs. I knew my lips were swollen from the kissing. WE ONLY KISSED!

Anyways, we went downstairs,after Louis fixed his hair and I fixed mine.

"Hey Eve!" Naill said, mouth full of popcorn.

"Hi." I said, quietly. I still can't over the fact he kissed me. I'm blushing like mad right now, so I just keep my head down. I went to sit down, but got yanked by Carly.

"Hide your face better next time." Carly whispered, so only I heard.

"I sat down again quickly and watched the moive. Louis was getting his glances in at me. He had one of the biggest smiles ever.

"Where's Liam?" I asked. I feel bad for him. I mean , really , who falls for their ex-bully?

"He went to use the loo but then went to his bedroom and slammed the door." Harry stated, " Now shhhh!" Naill added, completely engrossed in some horror flim. I turned my head back to the screen but, when I did, a horrorfic site took it's place. I screamed and jumped a mile.

Everyone was rolling the floor laughing at me. Tears stream their face.

"Whatever." I get up and look around. I am NOT dying because of that 'thing' that was on the t.v. I go to walk away after everyone stopped.

"Hope you had a fun laugh." I said, I was blushing real red. Almost as red when Carly was when we told her about her and Harry's movie night.

I went to leave but, got yanked down by someone and set in their lap. Someone's head rested on my shoulder and I turned my head ever so slowly. I was met with the eyes of Louis. Now, any girl would kill to have this happened. I , instead , got scared again and jumped off him. I landed on the floor making everyone go into another round of laughs. Louis didn't laugh, he sat there smirking.

"Okay,Were done now." Zayn said.

"Yea yea. " I said, still on the floor. Louis picked me up and set me on his lap again. I smiled and leaned back. He kissed my cheek and leaned more into the couch.

Beep Beep. Beep Beep.

The voicemail of someone's phone goes off. I just now noticed it was the home phone voice mail. They only set it out when their home. They need locks!

"I'll get it." Harry said, standing up. He brought over the phone voicemail thing.

"It's a blocked number." Harry stated, looking un-sure.

"Whatever." Carly said and pressed the play button before Harry could catch her.

"Hello? Hi this is a manger from Nando's. Mr.Horan, your one of our best customers and we thought you should know first. Nando's will be shutting down. I'm sorry sir." A male voice said. I knew it was a fake-Carly-Male-Face but, everyone thought different.

Part 7.

Tell you Naill's prank. We pranked him into thinking Nando's was done.

He's in tears staring at the phone.

"Nando's." He whispered. Me and Carly seriously can't hold a straight face. Her's is red and I have mine in my hands trying not to laugh.

"No no no no non on obobobobbnonononon " Naill kept saying no and some non-sense.

We couldn't hold it anymore. We fell to the floor, well Carly did. Louis arm is secured around my waist.


"OMG OMG OH MY GOD HELP ME NAILL WERE SO SORRY!" Carly laughed out, resulting in her choking. I hid my face in Louis neck laughing so much.

"I HATE YOU!" Naill said through his tears. To bad his mouth and eyes didn't reach his words. His eye's showed proudness and his mouth played a light smile.

"Love you to!" Carly yelled. The boys were laughing to.

"It's okay. But im not talking to you the rest of the night." Naill said, sitting down and watching t.v.

The rest of the night constisted of movies,food,not much talking, and sleeping. I fell asleep on Louis. I was happy. I was at a small happy for once but, I would still love to leave. I'd love to leave, I don't want to be stuck with them. I want my own life. My own house,job,money,and all that.

The only thing is........I don't think i could fully leave those 5 idiots. No matter the need for freedom. They grew on me. I just don't want to be stuck with them....Not like this.


Hey, It's courtney!

School's great blah blah blah

Chapter Made- September 18,2013.

Reads while making this 500-550, Last time I checked.

Author's Note : Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad that I have so many reads. I started this story at 0 reads thinking, " I won't get any reads, what was i thinking when i published it." Now i'm at almost 550 or 600 reads. I thank you so much. I have 8 votes on my profile and i am glad. Thanks for so much for this!

Goals : Get 100 Followers, 50 votes for my profile, 30 votes on my book, start people commenting. Please help me fulfill these goals!

Thats what i will start doing on my stories. GoodBye my cute little buttons!,

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