Chapter Eleven ~ Did We Do That?

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Eve P.O.V ( Small Pov but still)



Thats all that ran through me. I can't open my eyes. I can't move. I hear faint sobs. It sounds like their miles and miles away.

Flashbacks of last night ran across my mind. To think, I liked Louis for a split second. I admit , and a bit of Liam. Thats Gone Now. All gone. He twisted and played a game, that knowing me and him, I would never win.

I drifted into more blackness and everything fading.

Carly P.O.V (Small)

After last night, After the boys left, I layed Eveon the bed and cleaned up the blood. I had nothing to cover up the cuts.


Thats the only word that ran through my mind when I thoughtof her cuts. Ill give it to them, They Can Fight.

They smelt like achol, but thats not a reason to beat Eve.

Oh God, I'm so sorry Eve!

I sobbed. Loudly might I add. Screaming Eve's name. Wishing she'd wake up.

Louis' P.O.V


"EEVVEE!!!" Didn't have to tell me twice. I jumped out of the bed and saw all the boys waiting for me.

We opened the door, not ready to see what lied on the bed.

" Eve?" Liam said softly. I know he liked her, that made me mad. Whatever.

We tried walking close but Carly's Voice stopped us.

" Now you Care? You care now? After you beat her the fuck up?" Carly said keeping her head down.

I know we all had headache's but I think everything was pushed to the side once you saw Eve.

Her face; Had a bustes Lip a black eye, cuts on her cheekbone and forehead,A long cut going down her jawline.

Her shirt; Was a bloody mess. It was balled up next to her, she had on a white tank top. Blood on that. It was lifting and rested right below her chest. You can see bruises forming and blood marks with cuts.

Her lega just had bruises.

" WE DIDNT DO THAT!" Liam Sreeched. Hehated seeing people like that. there's no way in hell we did that.

" Look at you hands, Liam and Louis." She said, not looking up, crying and rubbing Eve's arm and stomache.

We obeyed. Me and Liam looked at our hands as we set them infront of us. We both gasped. There was dry blood on our hands, along with cus on out knuckles.

Liam, cried. He probaly hated himself. I'll talk to him later.

" Carly we were drunk, please don't" I was stopped by a loud groan. Eve flipped over and ended up falling off the bed.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Eve screamed in Pain. Before Me or Liam or anyone could move, Carly had her up on the bed and laid her softly in her lap and stroked her hair. She hummed ' Hey There Deliah '. Eve, hasn't opened her eyes.

" C-C-Car-Carly it H-h-hur-hurts!" She cried out.

" I know babe, just relax for a second, breathe in and out, Babe just relax ok, The pain may be unbareable but once your better, we can go back to the medow and swing on the them weird swings. Just calm down and let the pain go away." Carly said, trying to calm her.

Tears stream rapidly down Eve's face and she arches her back in pain. Her eyes still closed tightly.

Liam, is fully crying making no sound. All the boys are crying with guilt filled faces, we just wait to talk untill Eve doesn't hurt as much.

"CARLY!" Eve cried out when she tried twisting her torso.

Carly laid her down comfortably and stroked her hair.

" Hunny, calm down ok. Don't move.," She said crying for the girl on her," I know it hurts, but once it's gone, you can back to skipping in the medow with the girls , trying to make te boys look dumb. You can stetch the sky all your shades. You can sing to the wizard of Oz. You can go back to boxing. You can be the champ again. You can kiss Mark and Ambers grave," Eve smiled at this, tears still flowing," You call your mom and your brother Jake, tell them you found the life you want. You can sit on your zebra print bed at home. You can relax and eat popcorn. You can go back to work. You can write again. Babe, you can do all that again, if you tryatleast to make the pain slide away. Just calm down please." Carly said. Quietly crying, slowly closing her eyes.

" Were Were Still--- OW," She cried out not finishing her sentence. Eve flipped her sekf and dug her head in Carly's neck. Her cries loud ad strong even with her face stuffed somewhere.

Carly rubbed her back in circles. She opened her eyes again, She glared at us. Her features soften a bit when she sees us standing there crying.

All I'm thinking is : We did that?!

" It fults so had" Eve says into her neck," Were still stuck here and and nd......" Eve broke out into another round of cries.

" Eve, Hun. Get some rest. I promise Sweetie, with all my heart, nothing more will happen to you," Carly said," I'm so sorry i didn't help the first time Eve, I'm So sorry. Love you, Get some rest." Carly cried.

Slowly but surely, Eve went limp and her breathing evened out. Carly lifted the covers up on her left side, slid Eve in slowly, tucked her in softly, and stood up. She turned with one move looking at us.

" Carly, I'm so sorry we were drunk and and and....."Liam didn't know what else to say.

Carly put a hand up and sighed," It happened. It effected me. Alot. Only because I couldn't give to shit's less abou what you do to me,its what you do to hee. Now she can't move a bit, not even her figer, witout screaming in pain. It hurt me yea, but your forgiven. I don't know why, but I'm telling you right now, If Eve doesn't want you to even look at hee, Don't. Or you dead." She said, seriously.

I sighed," What would you like for Breakfest?"

"Pancakes." She said.

" Okay."We all said.

She jumped up and sat on the bed.

I can't belive we did that.


I re-did this chapter. Please, read,comment,vote. I'm really tried, but I'll still update.

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