Chapter Thirty ~ Date night

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Eve's P.O,V

I had told Carly what Louis said and now she's jumping up and down all happy.

Everything is flying out of my closet. From beanies to flats.

"Got it!" Carly said then tossed me a pair of red short shorts and a white long selve shirt that had a red rectangle and the word - Physo- written in white letters in the rectangle.

"Isn't this the same outfit they kidnapped us in?" I asked. Why would she want me to wear this. The original shirt was thrown away and I got the same exact shirt later. Same with the shorts.

"Because.... it's your first date. This is the first thing he saw you in. I think it would be cute. I don't remember what your hair looked like so toss it in a tight bun and wear red and white supra's if you have any." She explained.


I got up and took a shower. I dried my hair and put it in a lose messy bun instead. I put on white lace undergarments then put on my supra's.

I did this all in 20 minutes. I wasn't putting any make-up on. Besides, mascara and lip gloss but....that's it. If I had any other date, Carly would have me in a dress with perfect. Louis must of told her where were going.

" Hey, good enough." Carly shrugged, eating MY candy on MY bed, using MY phone in Harry's shirt.


"Hey girls. What's going on?" Naill said, coming in the room.

"Isn't that a outfit we saw you in before?" Naill asked, pointing at me.

"It's the outfit she wore when you kidnapped us." Carly stated.

Naill scruched up his face at the word ' Kidnapped '.

"Sorry, about that." He said, sratching the back of his head.

"S' Okay." I say. Plan A still, needs to be put in but, we had modify the plan.

" Okay. I heard bout' your date with Louis." He said, wiggling his eye brows.

I blushed crimson. He winked then left the room..... well our room. Me and Louis share a room. Much to Liam and Zayn's dismay. Zayn said he didn't want to hear us..... yea.

Liam....because he likes me. Even though he likes me, it's not awkward near us.

"Is she ready?" I hear Louis scream. I hope Louis knows that if anyone sees me, were done. I mean, I know everyone in Pittsburgh just about.

"Yea!" Carly screamed back then seriously pushed me out and down the steps.

"Hi." I say. Louis just smiled and walks up to me.

"Hey beautiful." He whispered. His breathe streched from my cheek to my ear. He pecked my cheek and I did the same.

" We're going to go." Louis informed the rest. They all bid their goodbye's. We left the pent house and went downstairs.

"Lou, you do know I know everyonr on this side of pittsburgh along with the other side?" I asked, quietly. ( A/N : If you didn't know, Pittsburgh has three rivers through out it. One cuts it in half then at a point splits into two rivers.)

" Yes. Were going somewhere private though." He said, keeping his head down and gripping me close. I had my head down once we hit the doors. A wall of body gaurds had formed around us and le us to a car.

"Get in m'lady." Louis said, smiling cheekily. He opened the door and I hopped in. He got in and soon we were moving. We went over the bridge near Station Square and as we were moving down a old bumpy road, I knew where we were.

"Your taking me to South Side?!" I said, happy. I went here to vent. They had landings where the waves or ripples of the river hit the bank.

( A/n : I come here. it's very peaceful and quiet besides when a train comes.)

He hummed in response and park the car. We got out and he quickly lead me towards the back trail and we go down small hill to see my favorite spot out of all of them. It wasn't near dark so IS saw a picnic blanket and food.

Roses were set around with soft music playing.

" Thank you. It's beautiful." I say as a tear slids down my cheek and I face him. Suddenly, I feel undressed for this.

He hugged me," Anything for you beautiful. Later tonight is surprise to." He says then kisses me. I wrap my arms around him neck and his go around my waist.

"Sit down." He commands and we both sit.

The rest of the 2 hours went amazing. Untill...

" Let me see your popcorn." Louis said, a evil glint shined in his eyes. I handed it over and he threw a hand full in the river edge. I start to see 3, 4, 7, 10 ducks come for it.

"Louis, That's cool!" I exclaimed while he chuckled and ate popcorn. I never got them to do that. They always quack and leave.

Soon, all the popcorn was gone and they all turned to Louis. He stopped mid-chew as they walked towards him. I was already laughing for two reasons.

Louis' face completely paled and the ducks walking near him.

"Eve...." He whispered. The ducks started charging at him, well the bag. I climbed up a tree so I wouldn't get attacked. I started laughing hard. He was running the threw the popcorn all far in the river and joined me in the tree.

I sat there laughing more.....and more....... and more......... and more....... and more.

" Eevvee." He whined.

"Lloouuiiss." I mocked him. I started laughing harder while he pouted at me. After a bit, to him it felt like ages, I calmed down and now he is taking me to spot two.

Part two. Hmmmm... Surprise Surprise.

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now