Chapter Thrity Five ~ Shine Bright Like A Diamond!

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Eve's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, facing the wall. I stared at intently, remembering all the details of last night. I know I hold a ever-so faint smile as it came rushing back.

I felt him stir beside me and his grip tighten. I can tell by the grip though, he's still asleep. It's as if he's a little kid asleep hugging a teddy bear.

Aww, How Cute!

I thought. I slowly turn around, carefull not to wake him up in the process. Once I'm fully turned around, I pull the cover up to my neck and snuggle a little closer to Louis.

I stared at him. Sounds weird but, he seems so....relaxed. He never really is. He's always jumpy and loud. It's just not natural to see. His mouth is opened slightly and his hair a mess. I giggle while scanning over it.

Just think about what you look like.

My mind added in. I made a horrific expression at the though. I thought about getting up and checking but, it's comfty right where I am. I go back to just....examing him. Studying him. Like a test. Keeping this veiw in my mind forever.

His eyelids cover his beautiful eyes. His muscals at ease. Light snores can be heard from him. I smile at his sleeping figure and snuggle closer to him. My head right below his chin. I take my index finger and outline the tatto on his chest absent mindedly.

His chest stayed at a slow steady pace of going up and down. I rest my full palm on his chest and feel his steady heartbeat.

I started thinking over everything that happened. Last night and to the timep they kidnapped us.

Hate Turned To Love.

I thought. It's surprising how fast he pulled me in. I never really liked anyone.It was always a fling or something.

Me and Carly always joked about me growing old and having 150 cats.

At the sound of quiet, being the thing you hear is light snoring , my eyes were going to close again. Then I thought of something.

It's Quiet. A little to quiet for a One Direction stay.

I shrug off the thought and looked over Louis and out the window. The sun Is only just peaking over the buildings and you can see the river. It seems beautiful.

The light snoring slowly to a stop. Yet, His chest stayed the steady pace. I layed my head back down.

I enjoyed the peaceful moment. You don't have many quiet moments with these 5 boys. If your not near screaming fans, your with them pulling a prank or getting yelled at.

It's relaxing for once. Just laying here with your favorite boy and not thinking about all your problems. Instead, your mind is at rest. I love the feeling. The feeling of happiness and calmness.

Not the feeling of guilt and sadness.

I added.

I layed my head on my pillow as close to Louis as possible. I get all my hair and move it to the side farther from him. I stared at him again and just smiled.

Damn these feelings.

A month ago I hated him. Now, I'm sure I love him.

It feels like it's been forever since we met.

Or when I beat everyone... or tried...... when they tried kidnapping us.

Or when I ignored them for a week straight.

Or when we all shared smiles together.

Or laughs.

Or made memories together.

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now