Chapter Six ~ Dreams

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Carly's P.O.V

" Love you too sis." I remember saying right before I fell into a nice sleep. Atleast thats what I thought.

* Dream/FlashBack *

Eve and I are walking down the hall. It's almost christmas and it is also the last day of school untill winter break. We get to our lockers and start to open the lock.

I looked behind me to see Brent, The School Hottie, staring at me. I smiled and so did he.

The class bell and the halls were deserted.

" Ccoommee oonn...." Eve said trying to pull my wrist and I just laughed. I laughed so hard my eyes closed. Soon enough I didn't feel her on my wrist. I was snapped back to realilty by being slam into a locker to see eye with a bleeding nose and busted lip. We were getting beat up by Dean and Louis. Arghh. Why can't I just live my life and I could've talked to Brent but not now,not like this. I can hear the screams of Eve. The insults kicked in.

" You guys are worthless peices of shit." Kick. Punch. Eve being held up by her shirt and getting hit. " Nobody would and could ever like you. Your useless and patheic." Louis went on. Dean just held me so I could see Eve. They knew thats what I hated the most. Finally Mark came up, aside with Amber.

" Get.The.Fuck.Off.Of.Her" Soon enough Louis let go and Eve fell to a pile on the floor, asleep.The boys ran and we took care of Eve.

* Dream/Flashback ends*

I didn't wake up. I couldn't right now, i'm just in darkness. No sound. When a big white light came to veiw, I walked up to it to see a screen. I walked in the screen,hoping this is just a dream this time.

Eve's P.O.V

Carly has been laying there asleep. I finally slowly started to fall asleep.

* Dream/FlashBack*

I woke up drowsy as ever. I sat up and ended up having a major headach. Where are we? Where's Carly?! I looked to my left and she was there. I looked around the room we were in. It had medium yellow walks with white lining. A bed. Tv, desk, table, chair,wardobe, and a bathroom. This is NOT my room. Nor is it Carly's. I slowly woke Carlt up.

After about 15 minutes of screaming at each other about where we are, My pushed my knuckles and back of my hands harsly against the wall. I had my head in my hands and I was crying. Carly was just sitting there cross legged with her hand in her hands when the door knob turn. I can't be arse to look.


Louis Fucking Tomlinson, GGGRRREEEAAATTT. Please note the sarcasm. Please. It all hit me from this morning to now. When he started walking towards me I backed away. No More Hits. That's when all hell broke lose.

*Dream/FlashBack ended*

I didn't go to bed after that. I didn't want to, I didn't need to. I heard a footsteps then a faint click.All the boys came in. Ome after another.

" What do you want?" I said, giving a glare at them all.

"Don't be a bitch Eve, we just came in here to check on you and Carly." Louis said. I rolled my eyes.

" Awhh Louis cares. haha. no." I gave a straight face after I did my fake laugh. You know how in like all these stories the kidnap beats the living hell out of the person if their being a bitch, well I'm worries because, their boys, and well, it takes one kick to get them down:-)

" Eve, what are you even doing up?"Liam cut in. I like him most so far.

" Liam, What are you even doing up?" I mocked. I liked him, but noy enough to be nice. Hehe, me being nice to them. I rolled my eyes to my self.

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