Chapter Eight ~ Mistakes

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Harry's P.O.V

After Carly said that, we were all shocked. How the he ll is it , we came in to to check on them and leaded to that? Once Louis left the room crying, Liam flipped out. I think Eve was losening up to him, not now.

" WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" Liam screamed. The girls stayed by each other side, cowering away. I have to admit, when Liam was mad, he scared the shit out of me and the boys.

" YOU GOING TO FUCKING ANSWER?!" He took one big step forward.So did the rest of the boys. We know Liam wouldn't mean to hurt anyone but, shit happens in the spur of the moment.

" AYE BITCH ANSWER ME." He said. Everyone's jaw dropped at this.

Eve stepped up and pushed Carly behinde her. For some reason, i have a feeling the girls are holding sercerts , that make Eve so protective.

" You can call us a bitch, Liam. You can try to fucking break us, but you alittle late. It's already been done. It's not my fault Louis decided on this shit on getting us. It's not our fault, that Louis can't take the small tiny shit Carly and I said. You know what? I think he should be ale to, seeing on what he did to us." Eve said bravely. She's right, After what we were told, witch wasn't much, you'd think he can take it, but I know he loves Eve.It sucks to watch this because he loves something he can't have.

" Fuck. Off." Liam said threw gritted teeth. Suddenly, Liam's head jerk to the side. He got slapped. He stormed out of the room. Along with the rest of us. Before I left I said,

" We'll be back later in the morning, don't try nothing dumb." I said, right as I was about to close the door , my name was called out.

Harry," Eve whimpered. I sighed, " What?"

" Do you have my wallet?" She asked. I nodded.

" Can I have it?" She asked. I shook my head.

" Sorry no." I tried to go but Eve grabbed my hand.

" Ca you atleast give me the pictures that are inside it?"She asked.

" Tomarrow." I left with that and went to Louis room. To find him in a ball crying, hard. I became pissed.

" It's my fault!" He cried out. My heart clenched for the older boy, who was crying on his bed.

" Guys." I said. Everyone stayed foused on Louis, trying to comfort him, witch wasn't helping.

" Guys." I screamed. Everyone, even Louis, looked up at me.

" Were going to the bar." I didn't need to say anymire as everyone got up.

Its about damn time.


Third chapter tonight,updtae I mean. Sorrty for spelling checks. I use the app instead of the website, so yea. Im too lazy to go on the website, hehe.

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