Chapter Thirteen ~ Your kidding, Right?

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Liam's P.O.V

1 week. A week!

The girls, have been ignoring us for a week! They barely eat. You barely hear them talking. I haven't even seen Eve yet. I don't know if she's healed or what. I still can't belive I did that. Louis pep talked me out of hating my self. I don't hate by self, I just know thats one of many reasons why i hate achol, you can't control what you feel or do.

" Mate?" Zayn asked.

Everyone was in the living room.

" Yes." I responded keeping my eyes on the T.v.

" Should we check on the girls?" Harry asked.

" Whats the point? Eve hides from us or is always under a cover, Carly just plains out sits there, waiting for us to leave." I say.

"They wouldn't in this mess if Harry didn't do stupid dares." Naill said.

Harry hung his head low, knowing it's true.

" How about we get some sleep?" Louis muttered.

We all nodded. We went upstairs and near the girls room and opened the door. The girls don't even give us a reaction like they use to do.

Carly is reading Twilight and Eve is sitting ontop of a desk leaning her head on the window with an apple in her hand. She seems better.

" Girls..."I said softly.

I hear Eve huff. We all smile.

" Listen boys, our time of the month is coming up. Unless you want to buy us underwear then I suggest you get what we nees." Eve says, quietly.

" Time of teh month?" Naill asked.

" Mother's natures fucked up gifts to girls?" She said.

"Ohhh." Naill hummed out realizing what she said.

She leaned back up againist the window.

" We need clothes to." Carly butt in.

" If I give you the code to our will you get everything. cloths and like make-up and bathroom stuff. Along with the pictures...." She trailed off looking at Eve.

Now I see why..." Fucking Styles you never gave me my pictures I asked yiu for a week ago. So if you want to be a fucking nice person then i suggest you hand them over." She puffed out glaring at him.

"Okay..." He left the room momments later with a wallet and gave it to her.

She hugged it to her chest like we would try to take it then scurried to her old spot.

"Does this mean your not mad at us anymore?"Louis asked as his voiice cracked.

Eve hissed under her breathe, signalling she was.

" Were having a talking when we get back. We'll go to the store right now though."

Carly laughed bitterly," Were? More like you'll be talking and we'll be zoning out."

" Lets go lads." I got them out of the room

"So much for sleep..." Zayn muttered.

Eve's P.O.V

I smiled when they left.

"Carly is it fully charged?" I asked while watching the car pull away.

"Yup." She smiled.

You see, we already finished part one of Plan A. Remembered when I was texting Jake and he'd said if I didn't text back at 2:00pm everyday, he would freak out? Well it's been more than a week.Like, a week and two or three days. So we have Jake already freaking out. Part Two, was where school came in. You see, my tech class taught me to hack stuff like a eletronic device to make it make calls. So I'm hacking it up to that. Part three is to call. When I call, I'll call for a full minute, or however long I can. You see if, you can keep a call on for 30 seconds, a police person can track it. I hope Jake is smart enough to know that. I really do. Part four, act like were warming up to the boys again, get out in public and scream help or something. I hope to god people reconize us.

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