Chapter Thrity Four ~ Quiet

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Eve's P.O.V

I woke up a little ago to the smell of baking. So now, me and Carly stand here making another batch of cupcakes.

We ate the first batch in 5 minutes. So, were making more.

"Hey Car-" I said while mixing the batter but, I flipped the spoon up with me and some of tyghe batter got on her.

"EVE!" She screamed then threw some of her batter at me.Thi started a batter war.

We started throwing batter and icing at eat other. Right when I was going to dump the rest of my batter on Carly and she was going to shove icing on me 5 voices rung through-out the penthouse.

"EVE! CARLY!" Liam yelled, looking at the mess in the kitchen.

"Er....... Hi?" I say, awkwardly waving then, the bowl fell out of my hand when I waved and fell on Carly.

I got icing in my face.

"GIRLS!" Liam yelled again.

"What were you trying to make?" Harry asked, choking on his laughter.

"Cupcakes. We ate the first bath quick so we made more.... untill we fought." I say. Slowly going near the kitchen door.

"Girls get clean. Your on time-out while we clean." Liam said, sighing then smiling at me. I smiled back and left.

Me and Carly tripping over each other feet.

I got into my room and set out some p.j's on the bed and got a towel.

I went in the bathroom and got in the shower.

As I showered, I thought of today.

My friends and their sign thing.

I miss them. My stomaches twist thinking about them and tears form in my eyes.

It hurts..... too much.

I finished my shower and put the towel around my body and a towel around my hair. I brushed my teeth and walked out.

When I walked out, Louis was walking in our room.

He blushed crimson," Sorry." He mumbled and was about to leave.

"It's our room. No need to leave." I say.

"Okay." He walked right in. He pulled off his shirt and pants, being left in boxers. I walked over to the mirror and started brushing my hair.

Louis walked right up behinde me and slipped his arms around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder. He moved all my hair to the right side of me and he kissed my neck.

"Hey,Love." His breathe fanned over my neck and he gave another kiss.

"Hey, louie. How's the concert?" I asked then tried to move. When I moved the towel slightly slipped from my grasp and I held it tightly. I knew we weren't moving anytime soon. Then it hit me, I'm still only in a towel.


"It was amazing! I missed you though." He said then made me face him and he kissed me.

"That's wonderful!" I say. I finally am removed from his hold and I walk over to the bed and grab my clothes. I was ready to walk in the bathroom when Lou pulled me on the bed. On top of him.

How fun! Note the sarcasm.

"Lou let me change."I truely whine.

"Nooooo!" He says. I decide to destract him. I kiss him. I was going to leave in the mist of kissing but soon, it was turned into a heated make-out.

He flipped us over and moved us fully on the bed.

Soon, he took me out of my towel and a lot more started. * Wink wink*


Helo, Avery here! Courtney's friend! I wrote a lot of the other chapters and I begged to write another so I hope you enjoy! Love you!

You will know as Ax

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