Chapter Forty Two ~ nice?

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Zayn's Pov

We all walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up the apple juice and dropletts of ice cream on the ground. Louis stood againist the wall, staring into space. No one really wants to break the silence.

" I didn't mean to." Harry's voice quiet but able to hear. A few seconds later, Eve's laughter booms through the pent house.

" We know.You don't need to tell us that." Liam said.

It seems as Liam got over his crush on Eve. He just cares for her.

" I tried telling them....her." He said, trailing off.

" I honestly think you made it everything absloutly bad. Horrible. They were their bestfriends, familes, and you told a chick that pretended to be someone she wasn't." I say.

" I didn't think they were that close!" He slightly yelled, not loud enough for the girls to hear.

" Harry, we kidnapped them at their grave! Their grave!" Naill said, repeating the same words.

" I-I" Harry tried to find words but, his mouth just didn't listen.

" Let's deal with this later." Louis said. We walked in the livingroom and watched t.v together.

The silence comftable for once since Eve and Louis came back.

"Well........" I say.

"This is......" Louis trailed off.

"Nice." Harry, Naill , and Liam trailed off.

Eve's Pov. ( After the boys left.)

"Remember when we all got pictures taken during the winter. They were the last winter pictures in pittsburgh we got of Mark and Amber." Carly says.

"I have one of them." I reply.

"Which?" Carly asked.

" Remember we were on the trail? Near the river? We all sat on that rock corner thingy? Yea, I have it. It never left my wallet." I say.

" Oh. What other one's do you have?" Carly asked.

I started picking at the ice cream stain Louis caused. I was debating if I Should tell her about the other two.

" The one when we were in the meadow. My mom was with us for pictures. We all had sky lanterns. We all let them go looking at everyone." I say.

We talk for 6 more hours. We've been here since 9 so it's 3 in the morning.

"I think I'm going to bed." Carly says.

"Let's sleep down here for the night." I suggest.

"Sure." She replies.

We go to the livingroom and pull out the couch bed. We both just climb in and fall asleep.

My dreams of a certain twin blonde and black haired boy cloud them.


Hi! Sorry for small chapters. Really am!

I got yelled at by Avery! Damn, girl! Lol!

Were BOTH starting a new story called

Daddy's Little Girl. ( A Zayn Malik Fanfic )

I will post the thingy and the charater list.....Just so you get the gist of it all.

I won't start updating that untill this is finished.

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now