Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Sleepy

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Eve's P.O.V

I heard random whispers about me all over.

"Were here, should we wake her?" Were here? In America?

" No. We just have to pack some more stuff then leave. Just let her lay down."

"No! Wake her up! She can help us!"

"I can hear you." I mumbled, sleepily. I rubbed my closed eyes.

"Okay, she's awake! Come on Eve, help us." Liam said, grabbing my arm and pull me into him.

" Nooooooooooo!" I said, still half asleep.

"Yesssssssssss." Liam said, picking me up. He held be bridal style and at the moment I didn't care. I snuggled into him and fell into another sleep.

"She's asleep again." Liam said, then his chest rumbled, whitch meant he laughed or chuckled.

"Cute." Someone said and I held someone cough. Maybe I wasn't FULLY asleep.

"Hand er' over." Someone said then I was in a different set of arms. It felt more...... home type feeling.

"Night Eve." Someone whispered.

"Night Louis." I said, then blacked out.

* The next day. *

" Wakey Wakey." Someone shoke me.

"Yes." I asked, suddenly awake.

"Come on. We have to get to the airport,"I saw Carly.

"Okay." I say.

" Were spending a week or more in mami,florida." Carly stated, then stalked out of the room.

I got a shower then put on white lacy undergarments and put on a pair of skin tight skinny jeans and put a pink tanktop on. I put a black v-neck over it and shoved on Supra's. I threw my hair in a high bun and a thick headband around my head.

"Eve!" Someone screamed,

"Coming." I yell back. I go downstairs to see a van and limo outside.

"Come on." Louis said, putting his hand on my lower back and led me to the Limo.

" Hey Louis." I say. He smiled at me and flipped some hair our of his eyes.

"Hey Eve." He said.

I smiled at him as we sat down.

"Ello loves! You must be the kidnapped girls." A big looking guy said.

"He's Paul. Our body gaurd." Zayn explained.

Soon, I had become friends with Paul and we took a way through the airport gates to a private plane. We got with no hesitation. Well, besides me and Carly. Over the last few days, the boys had learned to trust her out. Me and Carly hadn't try anything because it hadn't felt right.

"We have a seven hour ride ahead of us so you might want to get comfty." Paul said, then sat down. Me and Carly were with Harry and Naill. Well... we were there. They were asleep already so we decided to play a game. We just drew on them.

Soon, we fell asleep with them. A seven plane ride. It's better to do this and not have much JetLag when we get off.

Darkness soon took over.


I'm sooooo sorry for the short chapters! I'm trying my best but, it's getting hard to juggle school, life, and this in one hand.

I'm in middle school. Yes, it don't sound like it should be hard but, it's hard to keep grades up in MY classes. I have to study and study. Plus some nights we have homework from math commuacation and sience the same day. It's always a essay.

I'm sorry.

I got 5 followers -_- and 900 and some reads. I'm not saying I'm not glad I have any of that but, I would to have more followers! Please?

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