Chapter Sixteen ~ Your one Bi-Polar Bitch

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Louis' P.O.V

She passed out!

God, we all kinda just stared.

"It's not the blood...."Carly mumbled quietly.

"What?" Liam asked.

"It's not the blood. You know, that made her past out..... She's weird. Sometimes her emotions get to much for her and it shuts down slowly, but surely." She tried explaining.

Poke Poke.

"When will she wake up?" I asked poking her.

Poke Poke.

"Get a bucket of cold water...not to cold on second thought."She said but, then added the last part quickly.You didn't have to say no more, Naill and Zayn were out of the room and back momentiarly with a bucket with water.


They poured it on her. It was really hot instead of cold.

"You twat, thats hot water!" Liam said, slapping Zayn's quiff.

"Ajfnfowbc" Eve mumbled. An eye opened and searched then the other one. Her hand had stopped bleeding with her arm.

" Carly....." Eve said slowly. She arched her back.That made me think of the morning after we hit her, multiply of times.

"Yup?" Carly asked....Popping her 'p'.

" Get Naill of my legs." She said sitting up looking at the boy that laid across her legs looking up at her.

"Naill! Bad Boy! Get Up!" Carly yelled , sending us into a round of laughs.

"I'm not a dog!! Are you okay Eve?" Naill asked, getting up.

"Good Boy." Carly said, smiling.

"I'm good...but hungary. Omg! I'm Gungary!! " Ee said laughing, her swinging to her mouth. She cried out in pain.

"Are you okay?!" I asked , suddenly by her side next to Liam.

"Yup! Just Dandy!" She said, smiling. She stood and stretched.

" You are one Bi-Polar Bitch, aren't ya Eve." Carly lightly laughed.

"Def! Now Lets watch spongebob!"

"Nice to know your still weird." Liam said and poked my Eve's cheek.

He getting on my nerves with the constant touching.

"Never gonna live it down !" Eve sung out. I think everyone knew she was acting. She had tears going down her face and every few seconds she cradle her hand.

"Leggo!" Naill said pulling the girls along.

"Weird people." Zayn laughed.

Bi-Polar Bitch. We still love the actor.


Hey, It's Courtney! I deleted Broken and Forgotten because well.... I messed up. I made it all messy and all over the place and this story.... I'm not sure if I'm going to stop this... It feels all over the place but it's also my first book with...

* DrumRoll Sounds Out *

288 Reads! Also 7 votes. I'm so proud because I only started this 4 or 5 weeks ago and yeaa..... I ALMOST GOT 300 THOUGH!,

May someone tell me a gpod reason NOT to take this down? Thanks bye!

Love you forever,

Courtney Hehe Bye!

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