Chapter Twenty Eight ~ Airplanes!

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Eve's P.O.V

Well, I slept for 3 out of 7 hours.

Poke Poke.

"Leave me alone, Harry!" I slightly yell.

Harry and Naill have been doing this to me since I woke up.

"No!" Naill argued. He poked me again.

I screamed in clear annyonance. I stand up and go over to this mini fridge and pull out a pop.

"Your no fun!"Harry said.

"Whatever!" I say and wave him off.

I look around to see Zay and Carly talking about mirror's. Liam is near a window doing a cross word. Louis is staring at me. When I caught him , he smiled and blushed then looked away.


There is a big ally in between the seats so, I just sit in the middle of it. I plop myself down and sip my drink. Wondering how my family is. Are Mark and Amber's flowers.....Wait!

" CARLY!" I scream at the top of my lungs and everyone snaps their head towards me.


" Do you think their flowers are still alive?" She knows who I'm talking about. I know she's been wanting to talk about it but, didn't know how. I had a nightmare a few nights ago about....something.

" Good question. Do you think?" She asked.

"Honestly? I don't know. We haven't seen them in almost....3 weeks now." I say. I think it's been 3 weeks.

We were there for 3 days.

We ignored them for a week.

We had a few days before this. 3 to be exact.

Then today. So yea....3 weeks.


"Who?" Liam asked. Everyone else looked confused to.

"Mark and Amber." I stated.

" Oh." He said then turned. I glared at him for a second or so.

"How was Mark...before you know..." Louis said trailing.

"He was good." I say , the air is a thickening awkward now.

"Good." Louis stated then tapped the seat next to him.

I got and sat down. I snuggled into his side.

"Go to sleep, Eve, Love you." He said before INTO dozed off into a nightmare on elm street. My favorite movie!


Weird girl.

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