Chapter Seventeen ~ Um.....Hi?

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Liam's P.O.V

Here we are , 2 hours later , with Eve's wrapped hand and spongebob. After we told her we would watch it, she got a shower and changed into some baggy p.j's and a tanktop. Afterwards, we wrapped up her hand and arm.

"I'm Ready I'm ready!" Spongebob's voice blares from the t.v.

Carly and Eve are sat together on the floor. When Louis pulled Eve onto his lap, she jumped up and fell on the floor. She crawled, like really crawled over to where Carly as and stole her popcorn. All the boys are on the couch.

"Are you sure you don't want a seat?" Someone, I think Zayn , Asked.

" Ask us one more time and watch what happens." Eve threaten and I bursted out laughing.


I got a pillow in my face.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Welcome." She chriped all happy.

"Eve, I'mma,um , uh, go sit near, um, harry." Carly stuttered and blush.

"Whatever, just give methe blanket." Eve said, she had pain in her eyes and I belive I know why. She is probaly happy for Carly but pained to see she fell for someone who won't let them leave. I bet you thats it.

"Carly, we never did have a movie night..."Harry trailed off.

"Then get your fat arse up and-" She was cut off by Eve, " I DON'T WANT LITTLE CARLY'S RUNNING AROUND, GOT IT!" Eve screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ding Dong.

All of the boys shared a worried expression.

"Girls go upstairs. Now." I said,quietly to them. They stayed seated.

"Fine." Louis hopped up from his seat about to pick Eve up.

"Louis hunny! It's your mum, open the door." Jay,Louis' mum shouted.

"Omg! Your face is pale white lou!" Eve laughed.

"shut up." He said then smirked.

"Coming mom!"He yelled. He made Eve stand and slung an arm around her.We all shared a confused look.Mine probaly looked pained. Eve's look angry and Carly was rolling around Harry laughing at Eve. Eve kept on mumbling cuss words and Louis moved his arm to her wasit. He was smiling like he won 500 brits.

"Hi louis!" Jay chirped then looked at Eve.

"Hi...."She trailed off.

Eve didn't say nothing.

"Eve, Hi Louis' mum." She mumbled quietly.

"Sweetie whats wrong?" Jay said, and pushed Louis off of her. She hugged her and Eve swung her head up. Her make-up smeared a ll over her fave and tears stream down it.

"I-I was jus-just c-cr-crying because I'll miss the boys when they leave." Eve choked out. Damn, she's an actor, I belived her for a second.

"It's okay sweetie! You look awfuly famailar though." Jay said.

" Maybe Louis had a picture of me?" She questioned. I think everyone knew, Louis didn't have a picture of the girls. He bullied them growing up. He hit them, called them things. Even though, he said he did it because he liked Eve, no one belives him.

"I don't know sweetie, but don't worry, they always come back." Jay tried reaasuring when there was no reason to. Jay gave a tray of brownies to Louis.

"Just a goodbye gift, since you'll be leaving soon. You'll be away from Doncaster and back tp London in no time and I know we'll all miss you," She said then turned to Eve," Are you staying...." Jay trailed.

"I really wish I could! It wouls be lovely to get to know but, sadly, I just came to visit the boys. Were all leaving tomarrow." Eve explaines. All the boys, could hear the lie in the last part, excpet Louis mum.

"Okay sweetie, well bye then!" She smiled at everyone, sadly. She left after giving Louis a hug and kiss.

Eve turned around once the door was closed and smirked.

"I know! I know! I'm a wonderful actor! No need to tell!" Eve said, quite cocky.

"Why didn't you tell her?!" Louis asked, confused.

"Because who wants their mom to find out that they kidnapped someone?" Eve and carly said at the same time.

"True." All the boys said.

"Now, Carly ww have a movie night in my room tonight so say bye."

"If you get to loud, I'm coming in!" Eve excliamed,laughing. She ended up leaning o to Louis, for support. When she looked down to see his arm around her, She stood up and walked away.

"Akward Turtle!" Carly screamed," Anyways, Eve do a movie night with someone." Calry said.

"Me!"All the boys yelled.

"Errr........." Everyone waited doe Eve's response.

"Well,Since I can't pick one of you..... And i don't know where everyone sleeps...How about i go and pick a ramdom door?" Eve tried getting out of this.

"What?! No!" Louis whined,stomping his feet. I already knew, she'll pick the door close to her room,witch is mine.

"Louis, whine one more time, and no one gets a movie night."Eve threaten. Everyone shut up. I just thought, Louis door is on the left of her and I'm on the right. Also...

"What if you pick, like the hall closet or bathroom?" I asked.

"Then i sleep with the hangers or in the tub." She said,smiling.

"Now....Go!" Eve said running up then we heard a door slam. Everyone went to their bedrooms. Everyone whined, Louis was loudest. I, stood their smiling. Eve was layed on my bed, face first like a star-fish.

"My face hurts!" Eve said. Even though it sounded like , ' meh hace furts '. I laughed so loud. Everyone came in and saw Eve. They laughed, I laughed and Eve jumoed up.

"Who's bedroom?" She askes,quickly.

"Mine." I said, riasing my hand.

"Mkay!" She said,falling back on the bed.

"Well lets go everyone." Carly cleared out everyone, much to Louis protest and left. I heard ToyStory on so I hopped on the bed.

" Hehe, Yea...." I said whe I ended up landing on the bed but rolled on the floor.

" Your......Face!" Eve laughed loudly.

" Whatever." I blushed.

"Awwww!" Eve said in a high pitched voice. After this, we laid down, Eve stayed a distance kinda. She slowly came my way every once in a while. We both fell asleep Near the end. Eve a few cemimeters away from cuddleing with me.


Hey it's Courtney! I'm bored now that I finished writing this. On the weekend, I'm writing at certain times and on weekdays. Yes, I now have a schudel for writing so I can update more. I'll write before time to though. I removed Broken and Forgotten and yea.

Once i have 20 chapters, i'll slowly publish each one and make more. So yea.

LOVE YOU GUYS! I have 300 and more reads and 7 votes. I'm so so so happy about it. Can yu start looking at m profile to?

Bye my babies! Love you!

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