Chapter Thrity Six ~ Shopping Trip!

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Eve's P.O.V

I watch as the boys walk out the door.

"Hey, Carly!" I call out.

"Yea." She says coming from the kitchen.

"Want to go out?" I asked.

" Um....... The boys are only doing a interveiw..... They'll be back soon." She said. Her voice held un sureness.

"Pplleeaassee?!" I ask, using my little friend, Puppy Dog Face! Ya!

"Fine!" She said, huffing and crossing her arms.

"Plus, you need an outfit for tonight." She added, smirking.

"Damn. Your. Smirks. That's all you've been doing. All Morning!" I say as I fling my arns in the air and look up.

"Get use to it." She said, winking.

"AaaRRRHSG" I scream into a couch pillow.

"What kind of outfit?" I ask.

" Something cute, yet warm." She explains then, I hear her footsteps fading away.

I huff then stand. I walked up to my room and tried to find something I wouldn't normally wear.

So, better turn into a nerd.

My mind haunted me. I roll my eyes at nothing and dig through me and Louis' closet.

I end up with some baggy sweats, a white tank top, and a grey zip-up hoodie.

I just had got a shower so I just slip into the item of clothing. I put on white socks and grab white Nikes. I decide on keeping my hair down.

I walked over to the mirror and reach into a drawer filled with beanies. My heart acts before my mind and start to grab a gray beanie. I jerk my hand back. No More Beanies.

Not Untill You Come Back From The Dead.

My mind laughs at me. Well, Damn you to.

I close the drawer and huff. I turn on my crimper. I have no idea why I have one, but I know I never used it for my hair. In the end, it ends up looking quite nice. I didn't crimp it to much and some turned into waves. I nod at myself and smile. I walk over to a full length mirror and see this outfit is like a lazy day outfit.

I sigh. "The Things You Use To Do On A Lazy Day." I mumble quietly to myself.

I walk over to the one window that faces the wall. I look down to see the drawing still there but looking freshly painted. It also has hearts around it. Plus, words that I can't read.

Damn my loving friends.

I walk over to my make-up. I put on light make-up then walk out of the room.

I walked downstairs to see Carly dressed similar to me but, her hair pulled up.

"Here." She says the passes me a pair of glasses.

"Thanks."I say. Suddenly, we smirk at each other.

"You got the money?" I say in a deep voice. I start acting all tough and she does the same.

"Sorry. I'll pay you next time. Can I get some more?" She'd replie the same way.

"Sorry won't cut it." I say and act like the pillow is a gun.

"Bang!" I yell and flip the pillow at her.

"Noooo! Tell My mum I love her!" She says. She sounds like a dying frog! I started laughing so hard.

"Okay, so let's go. You really do got the money though, Right?" I ask.


After a long boring ride with Rob, one of the boys body guards, we make it to the mall.

"Girls, I'll be in the food court. Once Your done, come Straight here."Rob tells us sternly. We nod our heads like the little angels we are and skip away laughing. We make it Hollister.

1 hour later•••••

" Nothing Here!" I whine.

"Let's go." Carly says and pulls me to Wet Seal.

( A/N : I know Wet Seal is only a american store and I have seen it many times before but, it has never caught my interest. So, the clothes I say might not even be in there. Sorry in advance.)

We walk in and Carly goes for leggings.

"Here." She says and tosses me all black leggings that end about 3 inches above the ankle.

"Okay....." I drag on my kay.

"And here." She hands me a black and pink striped kind of sweater dress that it really cute.

"Here!" Carly throws yet another item my way. It was a pair iof black flats.I think of me in the outfit in my head and I can image my hair curled and it'd look cute!

"Okay, let's pay!" I say, happy with what I have.

After we pay we go to Rob and we go to the hotel.

Why do I need something warm in june?

I thought to myself. Whatever!

We walked in to see all the boys and Simon.

"Errr.......Ello?" I sort of ask.

"Where were you?" Louis asked coming over and hugging me. He kissed the top of my head and we head over to the couch. I sit down on his lap and Carly sat on Harry's.

"At the mall." I stated." With Rob." Carly added.

Everyone besides me and the girls let out a puff of air.

"Okay." I turn to see that clock say 1:00 Damn! Maybe we weren't in that store for an hour!

"Well. Our date is at 4 Soooo......You guys will need Carly to cook." Louis says.

I start to burst out laughing with Carly.

"Why are you laughing?" Naill asked, Completely serious.

"She can't cook for shit." I say, recovering from my fit.


"Order room service." Louis states.

" Fine." Everyone mumbles.

"Well, I'm taking a nap!" I say. I'm facing side ways on the couch. Harry was next to Louis so me and Carly put our legs on each other. I untangled our legs and as I went to get up I saw Louis snap his eyes shut and bite his lip.

No one notices but me and Carly. I get up fully and silently start laughing and Carly smirks at the Now Staring Louis.

I go upstairs and lay down peacefully.

Sweet Dreams.


I may or may not be updating tomarrow!

I'm trying to extend the chapters a little longer without changing my ending because....

I haven't thought of a name for the squeal.


Anyways, plus two other reasons.

One) Avery, my co worker, is going camping and won't have much wi-fi so yea.

Two) I'm hanging out with my friends abby after school that day.

So bye guys! I love you beautifuls!


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