Chapter Tweny Four ~ How is this suppose to work?

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Louis' P.o.v

I went upstairs and into my room to find Eve on my bed in her p.j's. She kind of just stared off into space.

"Eve." I said walking in. Her head snapped up to look at me.

"Hi Louis." Her voice says in a soft and small tone. She puts weak smile.

I nodded, to show her I heard and walked over to my closet. I pulled off my shirt and just stayed in the sweats I had on.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies." Eve said. She said it while staring at my torso but, when had she changed into shorts and a different tanktop?

"I chane fast." She stated.

"Oh." Was all I could muster up to say. She smirked and hoped into bed. She got under the covers and held the other side up for me to get in. I got in and she tried putting distance between us but, I slid my arms around her waist and pulled her into my chest. Her head was stuffed in my neck and I could feel that she was smiling.

"Nice try." I said, my voie muffled because I'm copying her action. She gave my neck a light kiss before pulling her head back.

"You always got to try." She said,smiling.

I gave her a peck on the lips and she smiled. She got in a comfty postion.

Her leg was intertwin with mine and one of her hands held onto mine. Her other layed on my chest and head layed above it.

" Night Eve."

"Night Lou." She said, then she fell asleep.

At the end of the day, think about what your doing. You can break her easy.

Carly's earlier words filled my mind. I guess I'm winning, seeing as though she stays in this postion instead of moving.

* Next Morning *

" Wake up!" Somebody hums. I can tell Eve is still in the same position. I mentally smile.

"Awww! They look so cute together." Naill, i think , said.

"It's time to get up, in the morning..." Naill's voice sings out.

"NO DON'T IM UP," Eve's voice screamed. I guess she knew that, I slowly sat up to find Eve on her knees standing on the bed. I chuckled and she turned. She smiled brightly at me and turned again. When she turned fastly her hair swift to one side, and I saw scars.

My stomache turned into knots as I stared at them. I made them. Winced as the thought made it's way to the front of the line.

"Fine fine! Just get up and go to the kitchen." No one knew she was wearing them shorts, seeing as the cover....covered her waist and up.

"Okay." She said as everyone went out of the room. She turned and pecked my lips. I still love it. Finally, having her.

" I'll be downa little after you." She said, then left. I got up and threw a shirt on. I headed downstairs.

"Hey Lou! How's Eve?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyesbrows. I laughed at him. I saw Liam tense at the thought and I smirked.

"We didn't do anything last night." I stated.

"Okay! You guys look cute though." Carly said, smiling. Liam glared at her and I blushed.

"Yea.Yea okay! I know I'M," Eve said,walking in looking at me while saying ' I'M', " cute! Now.....Whats up?" She smiled her dazzling smile at everyone.

" Everything's okay! We just want to tell you about the meeting." Zayn said,smiling. He swept a plate across the table, full of bacon.

"BACON!" Eve screaed and then ate. I chuckled with everyone else.

"Okay...while she eats. We were at the meeting yesterday. The meeting was about our tour coming." Liam said. Eve started choking! Everyone ran to her. She finally stopped and took a drink of water.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my hand on her shoulder.

"Yea," Her voice raspy," But, did you say tour? As in next up?" She stated.

"You truely are blonde." Carly chuckled.

"NAILL TELL HER BLONDES ARE AWESOMNESS OF AWESOME!" Eve screamed,looking at Naill but pointing at Carly.

"Anyways! The tour is basically as soon as our vacation is over. We have to go to London to get our stuff and then we leave." Liam stated.

" Well.... How's this suppose to work? There are fans when you go anywhere. How will we get pass?" Carly asked. She looked at a happy Eve.

"What are you so happy about?!" Zayn said,mad.

"Do they know?"Eve asked.

"Do who know?" I asked.

"Mangament." She said.

"Yes...." Harry said slowly.

"Why?" Carly asked, cutting off Eve's un-said sentence.

"We told them yesterday. Were in deep shit but, even they can't think of a way." Naill said.

"We have two options. One, We tell our parents were okay and we were just off track and all. Two, I don't know."

"NO!" Me and Liam yelled at the same time.

I'm scared she would leave if they told.

" Guys," She huffed," What other option do we have?" She sais, matter-of-factly.

"Simon thought of that. He doesn't think it's the best idea in the book." I said.

" Well......Now I hate Simon." Eve said, crossing her arms.

"Who hates Simon?"


Hey its courtney! who is it if all the boys are in the kitchen eith the girls. Bleh, im too lazy to fix spell checks. Hehe, sorry? School's great. Me and my bestfriend hannah ( @thatsoftballgirl ) talk to much sometimes for me to update! But really! Yea. so. Idk!

Thank You!

It's almost been a full month of this book! I am thankfull I had gotten the guts to really publish it. I was always scared thinking no one would read or vote. I've always loved writing. Ever since 3rd grade and Writing to the point were everyone can see.... is amazing! I'm so thankfull. I'm glad I have over 600 reads and 8 votes. It may not be much.....But it is to me. I love all my readers. Sure, I don't know them. They don't even follow me! It's just the fact they really read this or have it in their libary. Thank you guys and have a lovely rest of your night or day.


If it's not to much to ask, may you start to follow and inbox me? I would love feedback and to know people like my books. Enjoy my story and vote and comment!

I love You!

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