Chapter Thrity Seven ~ Lets Go!

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Eve's P.O.V

" Evve" Someone whispers into my ear.

" Eve, Wakey Wakey." Someone whispered once more.

"No." I say.

" Eve." The soft voice says again.

"No." I say again, yet smiling this time.

"Easy way or hard way?" Louis asked.

" Shut up." I say. It's quiet and I flip over and shuffle to the other side of the bed.

It's been quiet for about three minutes and I'm about to fall asleep again.

"Boo." Louis breathed out onto my face. I jumped a mile and laughed.

"Meanie." I say pouting as I sit up.

"You know you love me." He winks at me and sits next to me.

I sigh and snuggle into his side and he drapes a arm over me.

"Babe, you have to get ready for the date." He mumbles. His voice muffled seeing as it's stuffed in one side of my neck. It comes out like ' baf you hwave to ger readay'.

I laugh lightly and stare at him for a second before giving him a sweet small kiss.

"Fine." I say standing.

"Fine. I'm getting ready with the boys." He says before kissing my cheek and walking out of the room. As he walks out, Carly walks in.

"Hey, go get a shower, I'll get everything ready." Carly says, walking towards my closet.

" We leave soon." I say as I pull out a pair of shorts and a tanktop.

"Three days." Carly says quietly.

"Babe, you okay?" I asked my sister. Her voice holds a certain sadness that's making me sad.

She turned around and I saw she was silently crying. I made a sad face then pull her into a hu and yank her near the bed. I hug her untill the tears stop.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask.

" I-It's Ha-Har-Harry." She manged to stumble out.

"What did he do?" I ask, a madness is slowly rising in me. He hurts her he gets hurr. Famous or not.

"H-He said hi-his mangment is m-making him do a f-fake dating stunt." She says. My anger went from sky high to building high if that makes sense.

Their MAKING him do it.

My mind says.

Don't be to mad at something he can't controll.

My mind added.

"Who?" I ask.

"Taylor Swift." She says sighing.

"Their making him do it sweetheart. Don't be too sad. Is he breaking up with you?" I ask.

"No, he s-says they just need to hang out in most of his free time." She says.

" Me and him spend mostly all of his free time together!" She slightly yells. I grab her again and hug her. I shush and finally she's quiet.

"Thank you sissy." She says.

"Welcome sissy." I say.

"Let's get ready." She says getting up and basically throwing me in the bathroom.

I take my clothes off and get a relaxing shower. I get out and dry myself. I look at the clock. 3:20m.


A hour.... to get ready. Great. I change into the shorts and tanktop quickly and walk out. I situate myself in a chait near the mirror and see Carly turn on the hair drier. I see my curler on already heating up.

10 minutes later my hair is fully dry and she starts curling it. She does light curls that look like twirling waves. Really pretty.

20 minutes later that had been done.

"Hurry." She says tossing me the clothes. I quickly put on the leggings and sweater dress. I pull my hair from my shirt and put on flat socks. I get my flats and she does my make-up while I toss on the black flats.

I throw my eyes at the clock on the wall.


Thank god!

We quickly rush downstairs to see EVERYONE sitting there.

By everyone I mean the boys and taylor swift glued to Harry's bicep. I roll my eyes at the blonde bimbo.

(A/n: Taylor swift is okay and all but, for the story....)

Carly looks broken and the boys face expressions are priceless.

"You did that.... in a hour." Harry said shocked.

" What did she do in a hour? Toss on some clothes and shoes and cone strutting down here?" Taylor said scoffing.

"Haha, Atleast I got stuff strut.... not for these boys though. By the way Tay, hold onto Harry any harder and you'll rip his arm off." I say as I pop out my hip and lay a hand on it.

"Well, atleast I can do this in public with my boyfriend." She says then kisses Harry. Carly looks like she could break any second.

She gives me a quick hug saying ' Have fun. Use protection.' then quickly leaving.

I laugh absent mindly.

I decide that a little lie can't hurt anyone.

"Harry, I don't see how you can't love Carly's mouth. It's funny as hell." I say smirking.

" What did she say about me?"Taylor growled.

"Why do you think everything's about you?" I ask, smiling and skipped over to Louis.

I hug and kiss him.

"Hey, beautiful." He mumbled as his lips skimmed mine.

"Hello, handsome." I say.

"Well, we best be going. Bye now." I say turning around to leave with Louis when I turn around. Seeing as I'm holding Louis' hand he turns with me.

"Stay away from Carly." I say to Harry and Taylor.

We end up walking out the door with Paul.

"Surprises are the best." Louis tells me as we get in the car behind the hotel. He wraps a blindfold around my eyes and holds onto me in the car.

I huff and cross my arms.

This Is Going To Be One Long Ride. I thought.


AVERY IN THE HOUSE! Anyways, sad news.

I'm going camping this week and into next week. From Thursday untill next Tuesday.

I'll be going wit all my friends. Courtney should of come but,she has school.

Boo!No more Avery chapters for a bit.

I only get wifi in certain places so I'll do small updates. Not untill courtney finishs this book though.

That will hapoen in two chapters.

can't wait! Wish me fun,

I love you guys!

Can you do me a favor? Let me come back to see 30 followers?

10 votes for the next chapter?

Thanks babes!

Love AxX bye!

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