Chapter Five ~ Well, Okay Then

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Eve's P.O.V

Surprise Surprise" I said with a smirk. Well now that my bitchy roll was played out....

" LOUIS WILLAM FUCKING TOMLINSON, WHY. IN. THE. FUCK. DO YOU HAVE US HERE FOR." The boys all looked at each other. They quickly let Carly go though and she stretched at first while looking at me. I gave her a look that said run. The boys didn't know. All they knew, we were having an eye convo. Much to her looks she finally understood.

She slowly got up looking at each boy like they would rape her or something, got off the bed and walked towards me. All eyes on her. Once she was reaching out for me, She jerked back wards and ran towards the door. The other boys went after her keeping Louis and Liam here. Aye, ain't Liam the fastest? Meh, Whatever. I stared at Louis once Carly ran. I hoped she ran fast.

I could tell I had fear and sorrow in my eyes. I never looked away.

1 step. He took one step towards me. One more step and I bet I would be able to feel his breathe on my lips.

" Eve?" He breathed out. I scoffed. He rolled his eyes. 1 step. Now I can feel his breathe.

" What do you want?" I spit at him. He smirks but, that quickly falls. He goes to put my hair behind my ear but, I flinched. He looked hurt but I pushed that away.

" I'm ~~" He was cut off by....

A scream,loud might I add.


A " Owwwww she kicked my kneeeeee" Baby.

Anyways I blocked out the rest of the noise because the second she said ' Eve help.' I bolted for the door. Thank god for track team. I knew the boys were hot on my tail.

Assholes ^_^ .

I raced down the steps but half way when the boys are to close, I jump on the railing and slid down it with ease.

I gasped , " Carly?" They had Carly tied and a gash on her arm. Now, It was my turn for action. While I ran to kicked Harry right in the face I heard Liam yell.

" WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO TO HER? ARE YOU BOYS SERIOUS?!" Ok, A little bit more respect for him. I went to kick when arms picked me up by the waist. I got tied up again. Carly and I both were carried to that old hell hole we call a room. We were simi-slammed on the bed. Carly acrching her back in pain. I, however, was use to this.

We both sat there staring at each other. Then, finally, started to cry. No sounds. Just tears. The boys looked at us and I looked up at them. Carly didn't dare look up. I felt bad for her. Like, really bad. She hasn't even gotten over Mark and Amber, let alone getting kidnapped by her bully and favorite band.

Were weird, we like our bullies band. It didn't matter to us because in our head we would never see them or anything so yea. Suddenly, sobs just came out of my mouth when I looked them in the eye. They were guilt filled. Like I'd fall for that.

" W-what do you w-want?" I stuttered. I know I said no stuttering but I'm crying.

They all frowned but one. And another thing caught my eye. Everyone was looking at me when Harry was looking intently at Carly. Louis, Was the only one NOT frowning. He had a smirked. Suddenly I looked at Carly and she looked at me. All the boys started looking us up and down as best they could. It is easy though Carly is now laying down next to me.

I looked downed and realized something.Me and Carly. Both wearing short shorts. Semi revealing tops. There a bit see through not much.

Were wearing small see through things. 5 hormnal boys. 1 room. Slammed on the bed. Louis' smirk.

Awwwwwwwww shit!!! God please no.

I think Carly figured it out because slammed onto the bed post next to me. Werw both shaking like hell and all the boys circle the bed.

Carly's cries become louder. Not very. I'm seriously thinking she's going to pass out. For her, this is to much to handle. For me, nothing will change. I can handle anything realky now. All becuase of.... Eve shut the hell up and figure out whats been going on.

I looked up. All the boys staring. Liam spoke up , " Girls," he said softly, like he was about to cry," Get some sleep, we'll talk or let you go tomarrow." Before he walked out, Naill spoke up," Are you guys fans?" I never let Louis leave my eyes. Making sure he stayed a good distance. Carly, had a shaky voice," Yes." I looked over to look at Carly. The boys smiled in a slight way. I blocked everything out. I studied the girl sitting next to me.

The girl that was smiling and had eye's full of life and happiness this morning, is gone. Long Gone. The girl nice and tan with bouncy bright brown hair and bright brown eyes, were gone.Only had her mouth opened a slight bit and thats for sobs to come out. Her once bright, full of life, happy brown eyes, were now dull, nothingness and dark. Her eye lids half and half closed. I could tell she wanted sleep but she was scared to fall asleep. Her Semi, tan skin is now pale. Her once bouncy curls are now flat.

I was tossed back to what was going on by a white gaze and cleaning stuff going on Caly's arm. She fought to stay awake. Poor girl. I nodded at the boys , not Louis, and gave a small smile to say thank you.They smiled back.

" Girls were going to lock the door now." I glared at them as they shuffled towards the door." If you need anything, just yell." Carly was still fighting sleep when I looked at her.

I scoffed, " Whatever."

Liam walked up to hug me but I flinched away and he walked back to his old spot. " Sorry, but we can't let you leave." He looked at me then Carly., " Please understand." With that they walked out the door and you can hear the faint click of a lock.

I crawled into bed and laid down my head propped up on the head board. I opened my arms to Carly and she rolled onto me. I wrapped my arms around her and we cried together. After a good 10 minutes, Carly said " Eve, Promise to keep us safe? Promise to keep me safe." She cried.

"I promise Carly."

I felt her go limp in my arms and her breathing even out. I sighed and stared at the door. I wonder why us?

Louis' P.O.V

We walked down the stairs and in the living room. We all sat down and stared at Liam who was watching toy story.

He turned his head " What?"

" Why did you say they can't leave?" He frowned then sighed.

" Guys, their Louis'. As in he's their bully. They could be total bitches and tell on that and the fact we kidnapped them. We can't lose the band. We can't disapoint the fans." He had a point.

"So.... they just have to stay with us?" Harry asked.

" Yes." Liam said.

" What about when we go on tour. Or when we leave for America and everywhere else.?" I asked.

" We take them with us. When we go , we drugged them, say they have drowsy problems and stuff and then we go."

Smartass" Zayn said.

Okay, then....." We all said.


Hello, first, Happy Birthday Liam!!!! He turned 20. I hope he has fun.


goodbye my loves. Hehe

Bullied and kidnapped by..... One Direction?! ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now