Chapter Fourteen ~ Hate me all you want

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Louis' P.O.V

"If I told you...." Eve started, looking at the ground.

"You wouldn't belive us...." Carly finished off.

I seriously hope they didn't try calling the police, Then again if they did, they would of been here by now. They had no way around this. They had to tell the truth. I mean, we hud all the house phones in places the girls can't reach.

"My brother.... He said he'd text me every day. If i didn't text back, he would freak. Seeing as it's been a week and like 3 days here....He problay learned how to put two and two together...."She trailed off. Okay, she has a fair point.

"What aren't you telling us....." Liam asked.

" I just told you everything. He said he would text or call me everyday. The day he told me this was the day you took us."Eve said.

Carly stared at the floor then looked up and smirked at everyone.

"What?!" I snapped, making Eve pounce away from me towards the couch.

"Are you guys dumb?"Carly asked smirking still.

We all just looked at her. I kept stealing a glance at Eve, who was right now, looking at the floor.

"Why would we call Jake, instead of the police, to save us?" She asked.

"She has a point." Zayn sighed.

"I still don't know....."Liam trailed off.

"Louis, why'd you snap?"Carky asked.

"Wait no, Why did you bully us? Because I'm damn sure there was a reason behind the hate. Techinally, You snapping is making it hard to trust you."Carly said.

"I didn't always hate you. I don't want to tell you the reason right now though."

I knew the reason, It was because of being jealous and mad. The hate was made from that.

" I don't even fucking care anymore, Hate us all you want. Whatever." Eve snapped and went upstairs.

"Is she okay?"Liam asked.

" It's going to be quite hard for her to trust you and Louis again. I mean, you guys did beat her. She forgave you and semi trusted you but when Louis snapped, I think it scares her."Carly explained.

"I didn't mean to."I said, shamefully.

"Don't tell me that." She said.



Something shattered and we went upstairs. It was a horrid sight to see.


Hellllllo!! Courtney's back!Back Again!

Sorry I had Avery write the last chapter but....I have semi good reasons.

1) School is completely draining me.

2)I have been having minor headaches.

3) I was writing out the plot and all that stuff for my next and new story Broken and Forgotten.

4)I have homework.

5)I'm trying to figure out a way to have people starting voting or sharing or commenting.

6) Figuring out ways to make this better.

Those reasons might not be the best to you, but add all that together and You get a huge headache. I might have Avery write afew more chapters for me. We already started talking about it. Shesaid, you'll know its her when she ends with a


Sooo yea bai!

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