Chapter Twenty Three ~ Bad Dream

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Carly's P.O.V

Eve was found asleep on Louis by the end of the night. When she came down, she was blushing but, she was flushed, if you get what I mean, I guess. Her lips were swollen when she looked up. Her eyes showed happiness. Louis must of thought of a ' punishment ' for both of them.

They kissed.

I wonder what happened, how it happened, how she felt, who made the first move! God, I sound like a school-girl.

"Tomarrow at breakfest, we'll tell you guys...."Harry tried talking untill Eve screamed. She wasn't laying on the concered Louis anymore, she had her face snuggled into the couch.

"Nightmare." I stated, like it was the most normall thing for her. In a way, it was. I don't blame her. Only I know the true meaning of the nightmares. Even if I can't say ,'I know how you feel. ' , I still feel like that should of been me. The lads don't know. I'm surprised I do. What happened to her, was bad and I'd be keeping it to myself, not wanting to relive it.

"How can you say it like that?!" Louis said, panic in his voice.

"Happens." I said, bored. Everyone says that. I know Eve don't want to have nightmares. I know she hates feeling useless. That dream made her feel like that.

"Babe, Wake up, please?" I asked or said, up to you. I shook her lightly. She bolted right up and into my arms. Her teardrops falling on my neck in a steady pace.

" It's not fair! Why'd it happen?" Eve sobbed out. I don't think she knows the lads are here. I just rub her back. I know if I say something, I'll say something they shouldn't know.

"It's okay." I said,slowly. I hope she got the message. I swear she jumped a mile in the air when Louis hand touched her back. She whipped around so fast and kind of just stared at him for awhile.

"L-Louis?" Eve's raspy voice spoke. It's dry and deep-ish from crying. It's only deep because her throat closes up are her. When she turn, her hair flowed to her other shoulder. You could see scars. One's that went into her shirt others that were short. I tried to cover it up best I could but, the boys gasped.

"Eve." Louis said, his voice breathed out. Louis grabbed her and pulled her in. I don't feel mad or anything. Alittle okay? I always helped her with stuff like this and she went to Louis.

"You okay?" Harry asked, rubbing her back. She was still in Louis' arms. Thier cute together, was my first thought.

She simply nodded, then got out of Louis grip. She sat there, her head in her hands. She was replaying the whole thing in her head. Next thing she knew, she was pulled into someone's arms.

"You don't seem okay." Someone said with asoft voice.I wasn't paying attenion, since I was thinking of when she explained what happened that made that nightmare.

I looked up to see Liam, holding her. She's sat on the ground while he semi-hugs her, then semi looks at her.

"I'm okay." Lie.

"Eve." Zayn said. I saw Louis glaring at Liam as he sat as close to Eve as he could.

"I am." Lie.

"You can tell us anything." Naill, bumped in.

"Anything at all." Liam added, like he was trying to get Eve to give infomation. Wether important or not, Eve will not crack.

"I'm okay." She said, after a deep breathe.

"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight?" Louis asked or stated, whatever floats ya boat.

"I..." Eve tried aguring, she shut up quickly. Panic and realization clicked in her eyes. It's like she remember the 3 rules he gave us when he bullied us.

1.) Don't agure or try to fight back.

2.) Tell anyone and the beatings became even more often.

3.) Try to run....and it's even worst.

Those 3 rules controlled out life in highschool and middle school.

"Fine." Her small frail voice squeaked out.

"Go ahead up and I'll be up in a minute." He stated and walked in the kitchen while everyone follow. I helped Eve up to his room. I layed her on the bed.

" Don't be scared." I said softly. They targeted her a week or so ago. She was still semi-scared.

With that, I walked out.

Liam's P.O.V

We all walked in the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Zayn asked, after a mere second of quiet.

"She had a nightmare.' I stated.

"What was it about though?"Harry added.

" They seemed all secertive." Naill said.

" Who knows. Louis....." I said and saw Louis staring off in space,daydreaming.

"Wha." He said, sounding drunk.

"How was the kiss?" I asked, smirking. His face drained color and everyone gasped.

"A gentelman never kisses then tells." He states, smirking right back.

" You know I want her." I said, getting pissed.

" She's not Prey! She's human! She's not a toy on a shelf you can pick up, play with then dump!" Louis said, mad.

" Fight for her. I know I am" I stated, feeling quite smug.

"Then I will." Louis says, I swear if looks could kill, Louis' would have me dead.

"No. No you won't." Carly says, behinde us at the kitchen door,

"She's human. Not the last candy bar at the store or shotgun in the car. Don't try fighting for her or you'll just break her at the end." Carly said, rather snappy.

"I don't see her like that!" Louis said, loudly.

"Nither do I" I said.

"Then let her chose who she wants. Unless you think you NEED to fight for her, then go on. At the end of the day, just think of what your doing. You could break her easy." Carly stated, then walked out. Louis followed. Soon everyone.

At th end of the day, just think of what your doing. You could break her easy.

Hey words ran through my mind. I fell into a restless sleep.

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