Chapter Twenty Nine ~ Beautiful

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Quick A/N : Sorry the chapters haven't been long lately! I have no good excuse. Not much school work and everything I needed done, finished. I just can't think of what to write. I really wanted to write some about their travels but, I came to a blank. Sorry and I hope you like this!

Eve's P.O.V

We had gotten off the plane. We had gone to...... guess where?


My home town baby! Well, you know. ( A/n : I picked this place because I know a lot about it. We had moved to a hotel called Willam's something. I forgot. I never stayed here so..... Yea.

We had moved closed to this place I love. Were in a penthouse at the topfloor. Seeing as the windows are bullet proof, we can't hear the fans screams.

Right now, everyone's doing their own thing. Me? I'm doing dinner. Nothing big. Fish and chips is all. Louis, is sleeping, again. Zayn.....Sleeping. Carly.....Sleeping. Harry.....sleeping. Liam is standing next to me asking if the food's done.... very annoying.Naill is sitting on the counter top watching.....very amused by my madness that is clearly showing.

Damn boys!

The pent house is beautiful. It all had a red black white pattern. 5 bedrooms, sneaky boys. A patio. A HUGE kitchen. A bathroom in each room. Walk-in closets. A big livingroom. A game room. It's beautiful though!

" Foods ready!" I scream right into Liam's ear which made him fall.

"That's what you get, mate!" Naill said before laughing.

I bowed," Thank you!" Carly walked in with Louis. Harry slugged behinde them.

Everyone besudes Zayn took a seat.

" This is good. This is good!" Liam said, smirking. I glared at him as everyone seemed amused.

"Did you hear me?" Liam said, poking me," This is good."

I got up and grabbed 5 spoons. I started throwing them at Liam. He screamed and left with him food.

I sat down and smiled at my sucess.

" I'm awesome." I said.

"I know." Everyone said at the same time. This , sadly, sent them laughing and almost choking.

"That's what ya get!" I say, laughing at them.

"Shut up." Everyone said then, we finished our food in slience.

Everyone got up and left. I stared out of the kitchen window into the city I love. I thought of everything that had happened.

One month and a few weeks ago, Me and my friends had stood up on our meadow feild and let lanterns go. Promising everything we could offer. We left. Mark and Amber died. Me and Carly had gotten a normal life as we stayed quiet and hung out with friends that month. We clubbed. We went out. We got kidnapped. We got new adittudes. Now, here we are A month and few weeks later right back where we started.

"Eve?" Louis asked. He was sitting next me,staring.

"Yea?" I say, breaking all thoughts and foucsed on him.

" Me. you. Date night." He said then got up and left.



Hey it's courtney. I hope you like it. How are you guys? Good? Good.

Yup. Yea.

Bye. Love you millons!

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