Chapter 1

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Bailey's P.O.V

"Come on Hattie. Lets go. The earlier we are, we will be closer to the front of the line, and if we are closer to the front of the line we can get in sooner and meet them sooner. So lets go." I said as I pulled my friend along with me.

"Calm down girl and take a breather." She said to me as we turned the corner of the building.

"You know how long I've been waiting for this day. So don't tell me to wait." I then said to her laughing a little.

I saw that there was already a few girls in front of me. We were the third ones in line to meet them. Not too bad. I could not wait to meet them.

We were there way early. It was only 10am and we couldn't meet them until 1:30 that day. So we still had another 3 and a half hours of waiting to go until we could actually meet them.


"Were next!! Alright. Be cool. Act natural." I said excitedly.

"I can do that. Its you that I don't think can do those things." Hattie said back to me.

"Im excited alright." I said with a smile.

"Next!!" The guy said.

"Lets do this." I said smiling.

Hattie and I walked around the corner and there they were. The Dolan Twins. My most favorite twins EVER!!

"Hi." Grayson said with the cutest smile ever.

"Oh my god hi." I said as I hugged him.

He picked me up and spun me around. I then hugged Ethan. Ethan didn't seem like himself then. I could just tell. He wasn't like he was in their videos. Maybe its just one of those days for him. Who knows.

"What's your name?" Grayson asked.

"Bailey. This is my friend Hattie." I said back.

"Its nice to meet you."

"You too." I said as I hugged him again.

I looked up at him and smiled while in his arms. I liked his hugs.

"You're cute." He said with a smile.

"Thanks. You guys too." I said back with a big smile.

We took some pictures and talked until my time was up. Before I left, Grayson stopped me.

"Hey. One more thing. After the show, I wanna hang. Show this to security and they will let you back. Alright?" He asked with a smile.

"Alright. Cant wait. Thanks Gray." I said hugging him back.

He kissed my check. Then I was off.

Through the show, I couldn't stop thinking about how Ethan just didn't seem like himself. I wasn't sure what it was. I just hoped it isn't anything bad that's making him like this. I would just ask Grayson what's up with him while we are hanging out after the show.


"Hey Bailey." I heard Grayson say as he gave me a big bear hug.

"Hey Gray. Hey Eth." I said to them.

Ethan didn't even respond or even react to me saying that.

"Is Eth alright?"

"He's fine. I guess its just one of those days for him. Lets go just hang for a while. Maybe he'll join us in a bit."

"Sounds good."


"Ahhh!! Gray... Stop..." I managed to get out between breaths.

Grayson decided to tickle attack me. I didn't mind though.

"Make me." He said pulling me up from the couch and close to him.

We both looked at each other and smiled. His eyes were just perfect.

I met the Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now