Chapter 60

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Bailey's P.O.V
*first day of Senior year*

"It's our first day of out last year. Let's get this thing started so it can be over." I said as we walked into the front doors of the school.

Olivia is now a student at the school. Which is great. Now it's me, Gray, her, Eth, and Nate who is now 5th wheeling​ along with us.

"First class of the day is no longer a science one. It is now a math class with Mr. Green. Isn't he the guy that does stuff with percussion?" Gray asked as we walked to our first class of the day. Even though we were already late.

"Yeah. So I know him, he knows me." I said back.

The five of us had pretty much all our classes together but one.

We finally got to math. The class we were now 8 minutes late to. Shouldn't surprise Green too much.

"Look at who finally decided to show up with her friends." Green said as we all walked in and sat down in the back as usual.

"I've told you this before Green. I don't choose late. Late chooses me." I said as my friends around me tried to hold in a laugh.

"Just stay quiet and don't be disruptive." He said as he then started class.

Class went by faster than expected. Which was good cuz I almost fell asleep from staying up so late last night.

"Hey guys. There's this big party at Tyler's house this weekend. It's for the end of summer. He would have thrown it last weekend, but he was out of town. Who's up to go?" Ethan asked.

We all agreed with what he had said. I loved his parties.

"By the way Olivia. Tyler is the schools party guy. He throws all the parties. Everyone goes and has the best time." I told her was we walked to our next class.

"After the party for the fourth, I can't put down a party." She said with a smile.

"Once a Cali partier, always a Cali partier." Ethan said to her.

We then went on with the day. Which went by faster then expected. As did the first week of school. By no time, it was the weekend and we were getting ready for Tyler's end of summer party that night.

"Olivia. Since you have not experienced one of Tyler's oh so very famous parties yet, I should tell you what's expected." I said as we got ready in the guest room of the house.

"Alright. Go for it."

"His parties go all out. He had tons of drinks and the whole school is there. Even the brainiacs go and have some fun other than studying. So watch out for drinks. I made the mistake of not looking out for them." I told her.

"I'll be sure to watch it."

"You guys ready?" I heard Nate ask from the other side of the door.

"Yeah. We'll be down in a few." I said back getting up and getting the last few things together that I needed for the party.

We made it down just in time. We were then off to Tyler's party. The only party I like going to other than the fourth of July party at the beach.


Today is the day that I enter my story 'Dolan Love' and the sequal 'Forever a Dolan' into the 2016 Wattys. I can't wait you guys. This is my first year entering a book of mine into the Wattys. Wish me luck!!:):)

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