Chapter 43

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Bailey's P.O.V

"Can I just say that you guys suck at Basketball." I said to them as we walked through the front door of the house.

"Hey. I'm good." Nate complained.

"I was talking to the two who missed every time they tried to make it."

"We're better at Lacrosse then Basketball." Ethan then said.

"No kidding." I said back.

At first I thought a fight was gonna happen, but nothing. I think that was a first.

"Wow. No fight. That's a first." I heard Grayson mumble.

"I heard that." I said back last we headed upstairs.

Homework didn't take that long. So after that we wet down for a bite to eat. The night came to an end quickly and we cuddled up and drifted off to sleep.


"Dolan!! What are you doing? Baskets over there." Herman yelled over to Grayson.

"I know." He said as he went after the ball.

"I love ya. But you suck at basketball." I said laughing a little.

"I just don't get it. No matter what, I can't make it." He said holding the ball and looking at the net.

"You'll get it sooner or later babe. Don't worry." I said pecking his check then going back to playing with the guys I was playing with before.

Grayson never made a basket the rest of class. I did kinda feel bad for him.

Grayson's P.O.V

"Dolan!! Get over here." I heard Herman say just as I was walking out.

"Yeah Coach?"

"I want Bailey to work with you on hoops." He said to me.

"Alright I'll let her know."


"This isn't gonna be easy. But whatever Herman says." She said taking the ball from me.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just listen and watch." She said as she started explaining different things to me.

After an hour and a half of trying to make it, we decided to take a break.

"How can you not make a basket? I just don't get it." She said as she sat down with her food.

"Look. I'm a Lacrosse person. Ethan and I both." I said back.

"Yeah. And I'm a Marcher, Hockey player, and Volleyball player and I can still make it." She said to me.

"The only difference is that I can actually make a basket unlike you." Ethan said to me.

"Shut your mouth before my fist shuts it for you." I said back.

"Be nice Gray." Bailey said to me.

Once we finished eating we went back out. It was only 6:45.

"Alright. Don't forget what we went over earlier." Bailey said to me as she handed me the ball.

I shot the ball. I could not believe what happened.

"That just went in." Bailey said in shock.

"I did it!!" I said picking her up and spinning her around. When I put her down, we kissed.

"You did it babe." She said with a smile.

"We have to tell Herman."

"We can tell him when it's not almost 7 at night."

"Point. Let's hit the shower and get to bed. I'm getting tired." I said taking her hand.

We went upstairs and it ready for bed. We cuddled up in my room as usual and drifted off to sleep for the night.


I was watching High School Musical 2 while writing this chapter. Haha.

I wish they would add Denver. I want to meet them so bad.

Just a warning, the next chapter is dirty. Just giving people a heads up on that.

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