Chapter 4

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Grayson's P.O.V

I had no idea about Baileys past until I went up to check on her. She was crying and told me everything. The fighting, the names, the scars. I really did feel bad. She even asked if she could live with us permanently.

"Its alright baby." I said as she cried into me.

"Can I come in?" I heard Ethan ask from the other side of the door.

"I guess." I said back.

"What do you want?" Bailey asked as she looked up at him.

"Umm. I heard. And Im really sorry. I didn't know." He said to her.

"Its fine. You didn't know." She said back.

"No. I never should have started fighting with you in the first place Bailey. I love you and I never meant any of this." He then said as he sat on the other side of her putting an arm around her.

"Thanks Eth. Are we still friends though?"

"Of course we are. Gray and I are here for you. We will help you."

"That is very true." I then said to her.

"And Im sure you can live with us if you really want to. We would love to have you here." Ethan then said to her.

"Thank you guys so much." She said as she hugged both of us.


Ethan's P.O.V

I did feel bad for Bailey after hearing what she had been through in the past. Once the three of us talked for a few minutes, we all decided to go get some Ice Cream.

"Feelin' better Bailey?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for getting me Ice Cream guys." She said back with a smile.

That smile of hers was really something special. She as a person was something special. I was happy to be here to help her. I can tell that Gray and her really like each other. So I wouldn't mind it if they started dating. They would make a good couple.


Bailey's P.O.V

We decided to go out for some ice cream after talking some things out. I didn't mean to dump all that on them so soon. But I knew that I would have to tell them sooner or later though.

"How about after this we go to the Beach for a while." Grayson asked.

"Sounds good." I said as I ate my ice cream.

"We should teach her how to surf." Ethan suggested.

"I know how to surf. I can Skate, Snowboard, Ice Skate, Im good at Volleyball, Soccer, and Basketball as well." I said with a small smile.

The two looked at me in shock.

"Lets just say I was bit of the athletic in High School." I said smiling.

"Bit? Girl. You can do a lot." Grayson said to me.

"Oh. I also Marched and played Hockey." I then told them.

"Im done with life." Ethan than said seeing that he wished he could to just as much as I did.

We finished our ice cream and went off to the beach to surf. I haven't surfed in so long. So I couldn't wait to get back in the water and ride some waves. It was gonna be great.

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