Chapter 55

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Bailey's P.O.V
*4th of July*

"ITS THE 4TH!!! THAT MEANS PARTY DAY!!!" Was what I was woken up to along with four people jumping on my bed.

"Guys. I'm up." I said laughing at their excitement as I rubbed my eyes.

"CAN YOU MAKE US SOME EGGS?!" Ethan then yelled. For whatever reason I don't know why he yelled it.

"I will as long as you don't yell anymore." I said getting out of bed and kissing Grayson.

"Sorry. I just cant wait for the party later on." He said with excitement still in his voice.

"I cant wait either. But I'm not yelling now am I?" I said as we made our way to the kitchen.

The guys and Cam sat at the table as I made the eggs. I also made some bacon and toast.

"The party starts at noon this year. So we should be at the beach by 11:30." Nate said as I put the food in front of them.

"FOOD!!" Was the first thing to come out of Ethan's mouth.

"Save some for us E." I then said sitting next to Grayson.

"Someone is overly excited today." Cam then said.

"You call it excited. I call it extremely happy."

"Whats the difference?" I then asked as I ate.

He just ignored me and continued with his food that was in front of him.

I looked at my phone to see that it was now 10am. We had an hour to get ready. Once we were done we all piled our plates on the still to be cleaned pile of dishes.

45 minutes later we were all ready to go to the beach. Last year was so much fun. So I could not wait for another day of fun on the beach.

Ethan's P.O.V

We got to the beach just in time. We got our things and set them down in the warm sand of the beach. I loved the beach. Especially for parties.

Music was already blasting through the speakers. There was a decent amount of people there was well. So the five of us went and listened to some music.

I noticed a girl sitting alone at the snack bar. She was pretty. So I went over and introduced myself.

"Hi. My name is Ethan. I saw you sitting over here alone and thought you could use someone to sit with." I said to her with a friendly smile.

"Feel free. I was actually looking for someone to sit with. I just moved here and don't know many people. This is my first Cali party." She said with the same friendly smile back.

I took the empty seat beside her.

"You should meet my brother, sister, and friends. Ill get them over here." I said taking out my phone.

They didn't take long to get to where I was.

"Hey guys. This is Olivia. She just moved here from Wyoming. This is her first Cali party." I said as they all gathered around and introduced themselves.

"Hey Olivia. I'm Bailey. This time last year, it was my first Cali party. They are a ton of fun." She said with a smile.

They seemed to really like Olivia. Which was good, because so did I.

"Well. I'm gonna go hit the waves for a while. It was nice meeting you Olivia. See you guys in a bit." Bailey said as she walked away.


Ethan may or may not get a girl very soon. Don't worry, Olivia wont be a thing like Ella. Just to let you guys know.

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