Chapter 28

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Bailey's P.O.V

We pulled up to the beach and got onto the beach. I saw decorations everywhere.

"When did you guys even do all this?" I asked as we felt the sand on our feet as we walked on the beach.

"We didn't. But they did." Grayson said pointing to other people.

I then saw Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and Aaron.

"Thank you guys so much." I said smiling as I hugged each of them.

"Want some music?" Cameron asked.

"Of course. Turn it up." I said as music started playing.

"Wanna do some surfing? We got everything already here for you." Aaron told me.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I wanna surf."

We all got ready and went into the water. We spent a good hour and a half surfing before deciding to go back to shore.

"That was so much fun you guys. What next?" I asked as I wrapped my towel around me.

"How about cake and sing. Then some Volleyball and water time. Then we can all go to the twins place and open presents." Nate suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I said to him.

The candles were lit and they sang Happy Birthday to me. I blew them out and we ate.

"Everyone for a good game of volleyball?" I asked.

The teams were me Gray, Eth, and Nate. Then Cameron, the Grier bros, and Aaron.

"Cameron says that shes sorry she couldn't make it back out here for your birthday. She also said that she will send you the present she got you." Grayson then said.

"Tell her thanks." I said back before we got started with the game.

Our game of Volleyball then started. I served the ball to start the game. We planed on playing until the first team hit 15 points.

"Woo. One down, fourteen to go." I said as we high fived each other.

Sure enough, 14 points later, Gray, Eth, Nate, and I won.

"Looks like being teamed up with you actually scored me a win today." Ethan said smiling.

"Now let's do a one on one and see who wins then." I said back.

"I'm good." He said as he walked away.

"Water time?" Nash asked.

"You bet." I said back.

"Wait. Now that it's 9 at night and dark, who's up for a bit of skinny dipping?" Hayes asked.

The guys were all in for it. Me.... Not so much.

"Come on babe. Please." Grayson begged me.

"Can my bottoms stay on though?" I asked.


We then went skinny dipping in the ocean at night.

A good 30 minutes later we got out and dried off.

"Wanna go back to the twins place and open presents?" Cameron asked.

"Do I ever." I said as we got our things together and got in 2 different cars.

20 minutes later we pulled up to the house and practically raced each other to the front door.

"Alright children. Let me unlock the door before you break it down." Grayson said as he got the keys and unlocked the front door.

When he unlocked the door, we all ran in and sat down in the living room. It was now 10pm.

"Alright. Let's get to the presents." I said excitedly.

The Grier's went first. Grayson said he wanted to go last. Which was fine with me.

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