Chapter 2

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Grayson's P.O.V

Bailey was such a beautiful girl. She was different than all the others. A good different. I had such a good time hanging with her after the show.

After I tickle attacked her, we ended up looking into each others eyes for a few seconds in silent.

"You know Bailey. You are a beautiful girl." I then said to her.

"Aww. Thanks Gray." She said smiling and looking down a little.

I lifted her head back up.

"No really. You are. I've never met anyone quite like you. Your fun to be around, funny, and you can make anyone smile. I like you." I said to her.

"Gray. That's the nicest and sweetest thing any guy has said to me." She said blushing a little. I thought it was cute.

"I really wish we had more time together though. Eth and I have to go back to Cali tomorrow though." I then said.

"Maybe that can happen. I just got out of school. If my mom says yes, I can spend the summer in Cali with you guys." She said to me.

"That's a great idea. Ill tell our transportation people to schedule our flight to the next one out to Cali. Well, the next one that's not tomorrows flight."

"Sounds good. Now lets go get my moms permission." She said as we made our way out.


After dropping her friend off, we went to her house to discuss things with her mom. I really hoped that her mom was cool with everything. I really liked her and would make sure she stays safe no matter what.


"Alright then. Looks like Im spending my summer in Cali with my most favorite twins ever!!" She said as she hugged the two of us.

Ethan was still in his mood. I wasn't sure what was up with him today.

We got Baileys things packed and we were able to catch the flight out to Cali the next day.


Just a few hours later that morning, we finally landed in Cali. Bailey was so excited to spend the summer with us.

We got off the plane and went to baggage claim.

"Eth is still in a mood. Why?" She quietly asked me.

"Not sure. I'll ask when we get to our place." I said back.

I was starting to get worried about Ethan. He hasn't really said much since Bailey and I have been hanging out. I just hoped it wasn't anything too serious.


"Alright. Fine. It's because you and Bailey have been hanging out so much and I been feeling kinda left out." Ethan then said to us.

"Ethan. I love you and hate to see you like this. I never met for this to happen. I didn't mean to make you feel like this. But just know that I love you both no matter what." Bailey then said to him.

"I know." Be then said sympathetically. "Let's just get along. Alright?" He said with a small smile.

"Sounds good." Bailey said with a smile.

God. That smile of hers could light up a room. I loved it. It was cute.

"Let's just get the rest of Baileys things unpacked. Then we could watch a movie in the basement or something." I the said.

I was just hoping that the two of them got along alright. I would hate to see my brother and the girl I like fight.

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