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Bailey's P.O.V

I followed Grayson downstairs. I hid somewhere so I can watch them but they wouldn't see me.

"Don't even start to say sorry because sorry isn't enough this time!!" Grayson then said to him.

"Look. It didn't even mean anything. It was a friendly kind of thing." Ethan then said to Gray.

"So are you saying she kissed you back?"

This was going alot calmer than I thought it would.

"No. It was still just a friendly gesture."

"Next time you decide to make a friendly gesture, think first." Grayson said back. I didn't like how he said it though.

"So you forgive me?"

That was so not Grayson's 'I forgive you' voice. I knew what was coming.

"No. It means I'm gonna do this for kissing Bailey."

I was then I'm shock by the two fighting brothers. I knew I had to do something.

"Get off of him Grayson!!" I said as I tried pulling him off.

Nothing seemed to work. So I had no other choice but to go all out Hockey on him.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Ethan asked shocked still on the floor.


"I thought I said to stay upstairs?" Grayson asked.

"I knew if I didn't then you would go all out on Ethan." I said back.

"He's the one that kissed you after I told him not to!"

"That doesn't mean you beat up your brother!!"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know. Um. Talk it out and let it go." I then said.

"Both of you just stop." Ethan said slowly getting up.

Ethan had a swelled lip and a bloody nose.

"You go up to your room. You come with me." I said as I took Ethan into the kitchen.

I got the blood off his lip and his bloody nose to stop bleeding. I still couldn't believe that Grayson would do this to him.

"You good?" Ethan asked softly.

"I'm fine Eth. You are all good now. I'm gonna go talk to Grayson. Just stay there and don't start bleeding anymore."

I walked upstairs and into Grayson's room. He was just sitting on his bed. I went over and sat next to him.

"I'm not apologizing to Ethan." He said to me as I kissed his cheek.

"I don't expect you to. But he his your twin brother. You will have to forgive him sooner or later. You know that fight?"

"I know." He said getting up.

"Where you going?"

"To apologize." He said realizing I was right.

I smiled and got up and followed him downstairs. Ethan was still sitting where I had left him.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Look. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of this. You know how much she means to me." He then said to Ethan.

"I know you didn't mean it. I know how much she means to you."

"Let's hug it out." I then said as I put my arms.

They came in and hugged.

"You guys know that I love both of you right?"

"You tell us everyday." Ethan smiled.

"That's cuz I do. I really don't know what I'd do with out guys."

"Who's up for some Fro Yo?" Grayson asked.

"Let's roll." I said walking to the door.


I had such a hard time writing this. Only cuz I can't actually see them fighting like that in real life.

If they ever did get into a physical fight, who do you guys think would win? I think Gray would.

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