Chapter 24

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Bailey's P.O.V

After giving the kid her bucket back, I just decided to go in the water with the guys. Just so they would stop bothering me about being boring for laying out in the sun.

"Wanna go get something to eat? It's almost 5." I heard Nate ask.

"Can we go to that donut shop?" I then asked.

"You just want one of those smoothies that you think are amazing." Grayson said to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"You don't know that." I said trying not to smile.

"Oh but I do." He said back as he came around and kissed me.

"Can we just go get a Smoothie." I said with a smile.

Grayson took my hand and we were off to the donut place.

After getting our food we sat at the table we always sit at when we decide to eat there.

"It's getting​ dark out there." Ethan said as he ate.

We looked outside and saw that it looked like it was about to storm.

"I hope it doesn't storm too bad. I don't wanna get stuck here." I then said.

"Everyone. I just heard on the radio that a bad storm is coming. No one is allowed to be out until it's over." We heard one of the people that work there say.

"Looks like we are stuck here anyway." Grayson then said.

"Why does Bailey looked freaked out?" Ethan then asked.

"I hate storms. Even if it's just lightening and thundering I don't like them. I've never liked storms of any size since I was little. I thought I would get over it, but I never have." I then said to them.

"Babe. It'll be fine." Grayson said as he hugged me.



It was now 7:30pm and the storm was in full swing. Everyone watched from inside the donut place.

I was now on my 4th smoothie since we got there.

"Slow down before you turn into one." I heard Ethan say.

"You should slow down with those donuts or you'll turn into one." I said back.

"Don't turn this into a fight you guys." Grayson then said reminding us of what had happened the last time we fought.

"I wasn't going to. So don't worry." I said to him.

I finished my smoothie and threw it away. I decided to not get another.

"I wanna go back to the house." I said as I sat back down between the twins.

"I know. But we cant go out with the storm." Grayson said back as I leaned on his shoulder.

We spent the next two hours trying to waste time by playing games and get our minds off the storm that had us all trapped. We played Heads Up most of the time. I looked at my phone and saw that it was now 9:30 at night. I was starting to get tired. It was probably from the games and being out in the sun earlier. Normally I don't get to sleep until midnight.

I sat next to Grayson and leaned on his shoulder. I eventually drifted off to sleep. Figured we wouldn't be leaving any time soon. So why not get some sleep while I'm here.

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