Chapter 37

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Grayson's P.O.V
*Halloween day*

The Halloween beach party started at 11. So we had to be up and ready by 10:30.

"You guys ready to go?" Ethan asked as he twirled his car keys around his finger.

"Yep." I said.

"Lets roll."

We walked out the door, got into Ethan's car, and went to the beach.

When we got to the beach, there were already a lot of people there. The loud music was already playing.

"There will be drinking at this party. Don't get too carried away." Nate said to us as we walked onto the beach.

"No need to worry about that. Learned the hard way at the fourth of July party." Bailey said back.

"We'll see how you do about that." Ethan then said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She then asked.

"You will see very soon." He said with a devious smile.

That kid really knew how to push it sometimes with her.


It was a good hour into the party when Bailey realized what Ethan meant earlier.

"See what I mean now?" He said with a smile.

"Go away Dolan." She said as she started on her 3rd drink.

He just smiled and walked away.

"Alright. I think that's enough for now." I said to her as I took away what was supposed to be her 4th drink.

"But I wanted to drink that." Bailey said sighing.

"No. Cuz I won't let you. Let's go surfing." I then said as we kissed.

"Alright." Bailey said as she got up.

Bailey and I spent a good hour and a half surfing. After that we played some Volleyball.

After we got some playing, I checked my phone to see that it was now 3pm. We had to be in Downtown by 5 that night.

"Hey. We should go get changed." I said.



We finally made it downtown at 4:30. So we found a restaurant to eat at.

"This night is so much fun. You are gonna have a blast here." Nate told Bailey.

"I better."

"You like haunted houses?" Ethan then asked.

"Not the biggest fan of em. But I'll go in just one for you guys." Bailey told us.

We finished our food and started walking to one of the hunted houses. There were already a decent amount of people there.

"Alright. Let's do this." I said as we walked into the haunted house.

Bailey took my hand and held it tight.

"You alright baby?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

As seemed really scared. Maybe she just needed to walk through a little more and then she'd be fine.

About half way through it seemed like she had enough. So I got her out through the nearest exit. I don't think the guys saw us leave.

"I don't wanna go back in." She said as she hugged me.

"Don't worry baby. I won't make you. Let's go wait for the guys." I said kissing her head.

A few minutes later, Ethan and Nate came out of the Haunted House.

"What happened to you guys?" Nate asked.

"Bailey got too freaked out. So I got her out of there." I told them.

"Let's go walk around." Ethan then said.

As the night went on, people kept telling us how much they loved our costumes. I could tell that Bailey had a lot of fun. Which only made me happy to see.

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