Chapter 16

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Bailey's P.O.V

An hour into the party I had already beaten 7 different guys in a game of Volleyball. I was becoming the center of attention at my first Cali party.

"Damn girl. Someones popular." Grayson said to me as I sat next to him at the snack bar.

"What can I say, Im just amazing." I said jokingly.

"Hey Bailey." I heard one of the guys I was playing Volleyball with say from behind.

"Hey Cameron. What's up?"

"Wanna do a little surfing with me and a few friends of mine?"

"How could I say no? Gray, you cool with that?"

"Yep. Just don't let her get hurt. Alright?" He said back to him.

"No worries."

"Cool. See you in a bit Gray." I said kissing him then walking off.

"Boyfriend?" Cameron asked.


We got ready to surf then ran out into the ocean.

After I caught a few waves, I looked to shore and saw a crowd gathered watching us.

Once we were out for a while, we let the waves carry us back to shore. That was the best surf sesh I've had in a while. I checked my phone and saw that it was now 6pm. Wow. 2 hours surfing.

"Girl. You can do anything." Cameron said as we returned our boards.

"Im the sporty kind of person." I said back with a smile.

I found Grayson again who was still at the Snack Bar.

"Im back." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"You were great out there."

"You saw?"

"Yeah. And you can surf."

"Wanna go dance?" I asked.

"Sure. Lets go."

We went over to the music and started dancing with everyone else that decided to.

"Yo Gray. Who's the girl." A guy that look ever so similar asked him.

"My girlfriend. Bailey. This is Nate Garner."

"Hi. I love watching your videos." I said with a smile.

"Cool. Down for a drink Gray?" Nate asked handing Grayson a drink.

"Gray. No." I said trying to take the drink from him.

"Come on babe. Please?"


"Try one." Grayson then said to me.

I tried one and liked it. Before I knew it, I was on my 3rd. I stopped for a bit after that. So did Grayson.

"Thanks for bringing me to this party Gray. Its so much fun." I said as we sat at the Snack Bar again.

"Im just glad my babygirl is having fun." He said as we kissed.

We sat there for an hour or so before things took off once again. Last thing I remember was dancing to DNCEs 'Cake By The Ocean'.


I looked down at my phone and saw that it was 11:30pm. I was still at the party. The drinks must have worn off.

"What happened?" I asked Grayson who seemed to have a better idea of what was going on than I was.

"You had too much to drink and ended up throwing up." He said to me.

"Have any gum?" I asked.

"Here." He said as he handed me the piece of gum.

Then we continued to party the night away.

At midnight there were fireworks. Which were amazing. I loved fireworks, but not as much as I loved my Uncle Ron's fireworks. His were always the best.

Nothing stopped anyone from keeping the party going well after midnight hit.

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