The Truth

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We got back to her family ranch we said hello to everyone and got ourselves something to drink. Everyone was scattered everywhere inside and outside, me and Kaelyn made our way out to the barn.

"Ill let you go ahead and ride Bojangles he's the most laid back horse we got"

I nodded and grabbed the reins getting him ready to ride. My mind was still blown away by the call, there's no way I have a baby girl.. No way in hell, she was not pregnant by me she might've been by the guy I caught her with but not me.. I sighed as I got on bareback. My head was starting to ache a dull pane slowly coming on. I clinched my jaws and prayed to God everything was okay.

"Ready?" She came riding up beside me.

"Yes ma'am" I grinned.

We road out into the pasture it was pretty here even though I'm use to the hill country it was a nice change.

She road out a dead of me leading us towards the middle of no where, he hair blowing in the wind she looked just a beautiful as ever. I could defiantly get use to having her around everyday.. I love to take care of her and love her the way she needs to be loved, but I can't just walk in and make her fall in love with me.

"You okay?" She questioned

I hadn't realized she had stopped.

"Yeah just thinking" I smiled looked over into her eyes.

"There's a little spot up here around some trees by the creek that I like to go and just look at the water, it ain't much but it's something"

"Take me there" I smiled

She took the lead again and I clinched my jaw my headache kept getting worse and worse. But so far my vision was still okay..


Ever since that phone call Drews been acting really weird and I don't wanna bug him about it but it's bugging the heck outta me.  I lead him around the trees and over towards the water, like I said it ain't much but it's my spot where I like to think.. Every now and then you'll see an alligator come up out of the water..

"Well here it is!" I said stopping my horse and getting off

"Different but I like it" he smiled

He stepped down off Bojangles and I noticed he was a little unsteady. I looked over at him but he wouldn't look at me. He tried to straighten himself out but he couldn't keep himself steady in one place.

"Drew?" I asked worried

I walked over to him reaching my hand out and he took it..

"Are you okay?" "What's wrong?"

"I'll be okay in a minute, I just need to sit" he spoke before lowering himself to the ground.

I sat behind him still worried about what was wrong.. This isn't normal for a person to just get dizzy and need to sit..

"Tell me what's wrong Drew"

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