Accidents Happen

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Me and Justin were both up bright and early doing our morning routine and getting ready for our day.. We fed and did stalls turning the horses out to graze for a little while as we went and welded the front gate back together before Justin went and mowed the front pasture..

I finished putting all the welding supplies up, restocked all the food crates and moved more hay up to the barn out of storage. I went and fed the cattle a bucket so they'd get good and fat.

By 10am I was starting my training Spice the Arab mustang was the first one I started on. She did as beautiful just as I expected her too.. I worked on her for a good few hours before moving to Black Beauty the Arab pony we had jus got in two days ago.. She was a feisty little thing.. She was doing good until She noticed Justin and the tractor spooked her causing her to rear up and hoof stomp me..
I fell to the ground hitting my head and her back legs came flying straight on my chest leaving me with the wind knocked out of me..

"JUSTIN!" I hollered the best I could but it was faint.

I saw him walking to the barn but noticed something wasn't right..

My vision was coming in and out..


We got out of the truck and walked into the office to check in and sign all of our papers we had. There were a few Cowboys standing around talking but I didn't recognize anyone so far.. I looked over the bull riders not seeing Drews name so I doubt he'd be here, I looked over them again and I saw Kyles name.. This time I really didn't panic about him, I wonder how he's doing this time of year.. If our little boy ever crosses his mind..

I signed all my papers and walked back out of the small little office room, Justin and Ty were caught up in conversation with some other guys I didn't really recognize. I walked around the corner of the building and ran into someone.. I started to fall back but he caught me.

"I'm so sorry" I asked picking my hat up

"Hey.. It's okay" I heard his voice.. Kyle

I looked up at him placing my hat back on my head.. He smiled and I smiled back. He looked like he was doing better and I'm happy for him.

"How're you doing?" He asked

Figured he was asking about the anniversary I smiled

"I'm holding up okay so far.. Never gets easier"

He looked down at the ground and kicked some dust..

"I would like to talk to you sometime, maybe over dinner or something.. Just as friends nothing else" he said looking back into my eyes.

I wasn't sure if I should but I figured why not, he can't be that harmful if he's not drinking..

"Yeah sure" I smiled

He smiled back and I saw the sparkle in his eye of what looked like could be a tear forming.. His smile formed into a his famous small grin that he always had on his face.. He was still as handsome as ever..

"Well uh I'll text you later and we'll figure something out" I said needin to get back to the trailer.

"Yeah good Luck tonight" he said and we went our separate ways.

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