Goodbyes Never Easy

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I woke up around 6:30am with Drews arms wrapped around me. His warm body pressed against mine made me never want to get out of this bed. To make matters worse it was storming outside which made me want to do nothing but be lazy all day.

I turned to look at Drew he looked so cute laying there sound asleep with his arms around me. I could get use to waking up everyday like this. But all good things must come to an end they say. I sighed and closed my eyes again cuddling back up to him.

He stirred in his sleep turning over to his back with only his legs covered his whole upper body was showing and I couldn't help but look. He was most definitely the sexiest man I've ever slept with even though nothing has happened between us. He has the outline of abs lined up his stomach and his arms were nothing but pure muscle. You could definitely tell he was a hard worker a real cowboy at that.

I turned over to the end table grabbing my phone and looking at the time. It was now almost 7 and I still didn't want to get up. I laid there and looked threw Facebook nothing new other than an old friend of mine from high school is expecting a baby. I smiled when I saw her pictures.

It brought back memories from a few years ago with me and Kyle. We had finished our rodeo tour just out of high school I was 19 years old he had just turned 20 and won the championship rodeo junior tour of the summer. We were going to celebrate with a few of our friends at a tailgate party and I had gotten sick. I was dizzy and felt like I was going to puke and instead of going to the party Kyle stayed home with me. All night I kept throwing up and just didn't feel good so Kyle rushed me to the ER. We waited in the waiting room for nearly two hours before they called us back. The doctors asked me all sorts of questions and ran tests then went out of the room. I was a nervous wreak when they came back in and told me I was pregnant. Kyles face went pale white and he almost fainted..

We didn't know what we were going to do we were young and dumb still but all we knew is that we were in love or so we thought.. And now we had a baby on the way.. Kyle looked at me that night in the hospital and promised me then he would never leave me and love me and protect me until he died.. We both sat there that night in his truck after we left the hospital crying in happiness that we were gonna start our own little family.

Months went on and I had a healthy pregnancy my family was happy and nothing could be more perfect. I carried our little boy we were expecting the whole 9months. I was rushed into labor losing a lot of blood I had to have a emergency c section.. During the c section something happened and we lost our little Kyle Watson Jr.

A tear fell from my eye and I wiped it away quickly.

Kyle was right there with me when it happened. We laid in the hospital bed both of us crying holding our little boy. A lifeless body, I didn't want to believe it was true. I didn't understand why God would do such a thing to me. He was handsome just like Kyle, had Kyles nose and my mouth and ears. He was precious I loved him even though he wasn't really there..

A few months went by after the incident of our baby boy and me and Kyle kind of drifted apart, he would go on rodeo tours by himself and I would stay home and take care of the animals and such. Kyle began drinking more and more and just wasn't himself anymore. He would become angry and we would argue till he would either just go to bed or storm out of the house leaving. Months of this went on when he would come home off the road drunker than ever. He was already angry. I don't know what his problem was the only thing I could figure is he was still mourning over our son..

I put up with it for almost a year until one night he came home angry with his bottle of whiskey and beer in his breath. I was in bed and he came in the raising hell. He told me it was all my fault that I lost our child, I was the reason he died, that I was a horrible mother and fiancée and accused me of sleeping around on him. when I stood up to defend myself against him and tell him he was just drunk and he was the one sleeping around he slapped me..

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