Let Me Show You True Love

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I heard the shower water running and her dress was on my bedroom floor along with her boots and everything else. My heart was beating fast again as I took my boots and belt off.. Here goes nothin..

I turned around and she was standing in the doorway to the bathroom.. My eyes locked with hers as she walked towards me, she slowly undid the rest of the buttons on my shirt and slid it off my shoulder, my breath stilled at her touch as she trailed her finger down my chest to my jeans.

I leaned in and kissed her as passionate as I could my heart beating fast.. She slid my jeans and boxers off before I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me deepening the kiss. I walked her to the shower.. My hands ran down her lower back over her ass.. I held her up by her ass now as her hands made their way through my hair..

I trailed kisses down her neck slowly and softly as her head went back and she moaned.. Instant turn on I thought to myself.


I ran my hands back through his hair and started nibbling the edge of his ear and he started breathing heavily.. I smiled to myself and kissed behind  his ear, he stood me up in the shower and looked down my body.. His erection was rock hard pressing against my thigh.. He lifted his hands to my breath slowly running his thumb over my nipples causing them to harden, I sighed leaning into his touch I wanted this man more them ever right now..

His hands ran down the sides of my body as one hand went around to my ass the other found my sex and he pushed me closer to him.. He leaned in a kissed me as he started rubbing my sex..

I moaned in the kiss and I felt him smile he kissed back down my neck causing me to arch my back..

"Drew please" I panted

"You're so ready" he said in a deep sexy voice.

He thrusted his fingers in me a few more times before pulling them out and turning my back to the wall raising my hands above my head he held them together with his left hand as he lined himself up to me and kissed me as he eased himself deep into me..

I moaned as he kept a steady pace

"D.. Drew please" I cried

He quickened up the pace me meeting him thrust for thrust I threw my head back about to find my release.

"No look at me I want to see you" he said once again in that groggy sexy deep voice

I looked him dead set in his eyes and I saw the fire burning in them. The love, the lust, the passion.. My walls closed around his as I let out a final sigh, he then found his release moaning as I ran my fingers through his hair..

He leaned his forehead against mine as we stood there panting trying to catch our breath.. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me so I could kiss him.. This is the mad that made me complete again.

We washed our bodies both exhausted from a long day we got out of the shower and I walked over and picked his white tshirt up off the floor and slipped it on and crawled in his bed.. He found himself a pair of boxers and joined me. He turned over and kissed me goodnight before turning off the light and snuggling up to me. I giggled

"Drew ain't I suppose to be the one snuggled up to you?" I questioned laughing

"If you insist" he looked up and kissed my cheek

He laid on his back and I snuggled to his side and his arm went around mine..

Morning Time

I woke up at 5:45 just like every mornin to my alarm going off.. This time instead of turning it off right away I hit snooze and turned back over and cuddled back up to Kaelyn for 30 more minutes.

When I woke up the second time I figured I better get up of Justin was gonna come looking for me again.. I laid on my back stretching and smiling remembering last night, she was still out cold and looking so peaceful and beautiful in my tshirt..

I kissed her cheek softly and eased out of bed pulling on my jeans from last night and grabbing a cut off out of the closet quietly. I grabbed my boots as I walked out the door down to the kitchen.

I made myself a protein shake and then I decided I'd make her some breakfast and give it to her in bed..

I quickly scrambled some eggs and fried some bacon and made her some toast. A simple breakfast should do for now and we'll all go out to eat lunch later.. It was 7:20 when I was finished with breakfast, I was running behind schedule but for once I didn't care. I eased my way back in the bedroom and gently woke her up.. She smiled


"Good Morning" she smiled again

I leaned in a kissed her and she put her hand on the side of my face.. I loved this women.

"Here's some breakfast" I whispered

"Thank you" she sat up and grabbed the plate from me.

"I hate to leave but I gotta go to work darlin"

She leaned in and kissed me again

"I'll be right outside if you need me baby and you have my number" I winked

I walked out of the room and out the door and almost ran into Justin.

"Woah" I hollered

"Don't woah me that's for horses" he shook his head

"I'm coming" I squinted cause the sun realizing I don't have my hat on

"I know what's up" Justin grinned "messy hair, head not on straight, runnin late" he started laughing

"Shut up or you're outta here" I grinned turning around walking back to the house

"Boss man got laid" Justin hollered as he walked to the barn

I shook my head walked Into the house to grab my hat. Kaelyn was just getting outta bed and stopped when I walked in.

"Forgot my hat" I smiled grabbing it off the floor

She blushed a little and I grinned

"I love you" I said leaning down and kissing her once again

"I love you" she smiled

I walked out to the barn after Justin and started working with horses. Justin kept giving me hell all day about last night and to be honest I didn't mind, it was nice for a change no stress weighting heavy on my mind and a light mood set for the day. It made it go by faster.. Maybe that's because I got my women at home waitin on me.. Whatever it is I love it..



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