Applicant #4: Pyros of the Flame

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In a faraway region of Hologia, lived a king named Sola and his queen, Luna.

The kingdom stood above a valley known for its foliage. Humongous tall trees and fragrant flowers with vibrant petals surrounded the entire territory. Inhabitants of the land lived below the palace wherein they raised cattle, grew vegetables and root crops and fished beyond the lake.

Under king Sola's reign, the whole kingdom attained prosperity. Their life was almost perfect yet something seemed missing. Despite their wealth, the king and the queen were not fortuned with children.

And so the king -along with his finest men, ventured on a journey within the sacred woods of Hologia. They arrived at the midst of the forest, where surreal events are genuine. According to the legend, the land was a paradise dwelled by Gods -a place where the gateway of the mortal world collided with the spirit realm.

"O, God of this forest, hear my prayer!" he yelled. "Let my wish be granted by your power! I longed for kids and that is all that I want. Let Hologia be ruled by my daughters and sons!" His voice reverberated throughout the forest.

A sudden gust of wind filled the atmosphere as Gaia -the Goddess of Earth, appeared right before them.

"I heard you, king Sola," she uttered in her androgynous voice.

"Wish will be granted yet you must be warned.

Dark ages will soon fall under a conqueror's hand.

Your children will be born in this peculiar land.

Now let them be heroes once evil started the hunt!"

Gaia chanted a spell and left the king bewildered. She vanished into thin air after sending a riddle.


A year after the king's voyage, the kingdom was blessed with four healthy infants -each with the crest of the four elements in each right hand.

Terrano was born with the power to wield Earth's might, Aguesha was born with water's cleansing talent, Windra was born with air's nature skill and Pyros was born with massive flames.

Anxious about the prophecy, King Sola let his children grew by training their gifts till their utmost potential. At the age of seven, the four siblings learned to wield the power of the elements.

Windra took care of the trees and the entire canopy. Terrano built a better land for farming and cattle. Aguesha cleansed every single bodies of water within Hologia. They were loved and admired by the people of the kingdom -except for Pyros.

He was clumsy and his flames were a lousy version of him. He caused nothing but nuisance. He did nothing but havoc. One time, he accidentally set nearly half of the farm on fire and there is a time in which he unintentionally burned down a single coop.

"That prince's dangerous," a stout farmer commented.

"He's nothing but a cursed child," said the fisherman.

"Maybe the kingdom is better off without him." Pyros heard even the whisper of an old lady.

I had enough, Pyros thought.

He wanted to be like his siblings -mighty and cherished, yet all he got were hideous feedbacks. He was treated as nothing more than like a junk. All his life, he tried his best to fit in but the brilliance of his flame was too vicious to tame.

He longed for his parent's love and for his brother and sister's affection however he failed.

One night, Pyros made up his mind. He decided to leave the kingdom -never to return. He must seek for himself. He must find the answer beyond his existence.


A week after Pyros left, the kingdom fell into mayhem. King Sola, Queen Luna, the entire village, even his siblings attempted to look for him but he was nowhere to be found.

Days swiftly passed and another tragedy fell on them. The kingdom was enclosed with thick snow. The plants were covered with glace. The water turned solid. Everything was engulfed by the wrath of a Frost Giant and Hologia witnessed the breeze of winter.

With their power bestowed upon them, Terrano, Windra and Aguesha exerted an effort to fight back yet resistance was futile. Every single one of them was turned into ice monuments, even the rulers of the palace.

Rumors about the fate of Hologia spread across the nearby lands -even to Pyros.

"You must save them," Gaia uttered as she caressed the boy's flamed strands of hair.

"They despised me. I ran away from home for they want me out of their lives. They never loved me," Pyros cried while sitting on top of Gaia's palm.

"But you are not them. It doesn't mean that you need to feel the same. Your heart already knew the answer."


"You love them." Gaia wiped the warm tears running down Pyros' face. "You were born for this day. Fulfill your fate and save those who are dear to you."


A vortex of flame devoured everything that has been frozen -melting them, saving them, giving them warmth and hope.

Pyros set foot to Hologia once more. He marched his way to face the evil conqueror.

"You dare to defy me, pipsqueak?" The Frost Giant attempted to imprison Pyros with his frost but the moment that he touched the boy, his hand almost dissolved. He tried several times but the outcome was the same. "W-What are you?!"

"Leave this kingdom and never return!" Pyros voice echoed within the four corners of the throne room.

Fearing for his life, the Frost Giant fled at once.


It took Pyros long enough to freed his family and the palace from frost. He had melted not only the entire kingdom but the hearts of everyone as well.

"Pyros, my son." Queen Luna caged him within her arms.

King Sola, Terrano, Windra and Aguesha joined the reunion as they embraced Pyros -and for the first time in his life, he felt loved for real.

"All hail, prince Pyros!" the crowd cheered in unison.

"All hail the hero of Hologia!" they cheered.

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