The Pines Return

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{Author's note: I know if you found my story, you probably went to the darkest corners of Billdip to find it, so thank you, SO MUCH for choosing my story!}

Dipper ran as fast as he could with Mabel close behind. Rain fell on their faces and hair flopped on their foreheads. Both of them where covered in scars and bruises, caused from the creature chasing them. Dipper thought back to how they ended up in this situation in the first place.

It was a nice afternoon in the Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stanley was preparing pancakes, something he rarely did. Stanford had come out of the basement for once, to eat brunch with them. Mabel was knitting a new sweater for her and Waddles, while Dipper sat back and watched tv. This was they're third summer in Gravity Falls. Both Dipper and Mabel where now sixteen years old, yet their personality's hadn't changed much. Mabel was still her outgoing, cheerful self and Dipper was still a brainiac, according to Stanley. After they're first summer together, Stanford and Stanley sailed the ocean and Dipper and Mabel went back to school. Soos looked after the shack until they returned. Now every summer they meet back in Gravity Falls. "Brunch is ready!" Stanley yelled, in his usual raspy voice. They all gathered in the kitchen. The air smelt delicious, as a plate of two pancakes was placed in front of each person. "Mmm..." Mabel hummed, as she ate. Only the sound of forks hitting plates and satisfied belly's could be heard. Stanford was the first to finish and placed his plate in the sink. "Thank you Stanley, but now I must get back to work." Stanford said as he walked out of the kitchen. Even though the portal was gone and Bill's rain was over, Stanford still studied anomalies that happened all over the world. It was his job to explain the unknown to the world and protect the people from it. Dipper would sometimes tag along on his missions, saving people from monsters. Stanford had to start a new journal to
re-catalog all the creatures they already knew and to add the new ones he finds. Dipper also had his own journal, filled with the same things. Stanford had a huge weight on his shoulders. So many people relied on him, so he returned to his life of always being in the basement. Dipper sighed softly and Mabel patted his back. "Don't worry bro bro, you'll get to go on more missions with him as you age." Mabel said with a smile. She no longer had her braces, making her look so much more mature. "You shouldn't even be worrying about those silly missions. I don't want you getting hurt, when your under my care." Stanley grunted. They all finished up their brunch and put away their plates. Mabel and Dipper headed up to their room and Stanley went into his. Dipper and Mabel still insisted on sharing a room. They just believed that taking up another room was pointless, if they where still aloud to share. Dipper flopped onto his bed and started to read a cheesy, romantic, chick flick, that he stole from Grenda. He had already finished it but would read it again when he got bored. "Are you still reading that love story?" Mabel questioned. She reached under her bed and pulled out a dusty book. Then she brushed off the dust and handed it to Dipper. "They came out with the new one, like a year ago." She giggled. Dipper took it from her and gave the old one back. "Could you give that to Grenda for me?" Dipper asked politely. "Sure thing bro. I was going over to her house now anyways. See ya later!" She waved and shut the door behind her. Dipper smiled and started to read the new book.

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